The world premiere of “Kushum Kushum Prem” will be telecast on Channel i this Eid. Produced by Impress Tele-film Limited, the film has been written and directed by Mushfiqur Rahman Gulzar. Moushumi, Ferdous, and Riaz will star in the film. The plot centres on the life of a hapless girl named Kushum.
The cast also includes ATM Shamsuzzaman, Prabin Mitra, Khaleda Aktar Kalpana, Amal Bos and others. Subir Nandi, Andrew Kishore, Kanak Chapa, Monir Khan, Palash and Selim Chowdhury will lend their voices, while Imon Shaha is the music director. The film will be aired on Eid-ul-Fitr at 2:35pm.
-With The Daily Star input