Saturday, July 27, 2024

People who’ll never admit they’re wrong

Why they’re like that, and how to deal with them Lifestyle Desk : Some people are never to blame for anything – at least according to them. Their attitude is rather like that of young children who, when they’re caught doing something they shouldn’t, point the finger at someone else. And indeed, according to ... Read more

How to bring back golden days of romance with longtime partner

Lifestyle Desk : Are you missing the spark in your long-term relationship? Has it become more of a habit? If you continue to ignore these warnings, it’s time you bring back those golden days of romance when butterflies flew in your stomach when you saw your partner. Relationships are built on a few guiding ... Read more

Shocking sex facts revealed

Can high heels affect a woman’s orgasm? Why is emotional connect as important to women as reaching orgasm? Is coffee more important than sex in the morning? Is sex addiction worse than drugs or booze? Can kissing help you find the right partner? Shocking sex facts revealed Wearing high heels can negatively affect a woman’s orgasm, ... Read more

5 Tips for a Stronger Relationship

Being in a relationship is all about being a unit, and the stronger the bond, the better your unit. Here are some tips on how to have a stronger, healthier relationship! Compromise One of the main things about being in a relationship is learning that you have to compromise. For those who like to get ... Read more

Men enjoy cuddling more than women, study says

It is an oft-repeated stereotype that while men want to have sex women prefer an affectionate cuddle. But a study has found that in long term relationships, hugging and kissing are more important to the happiness of men than women. The research, by sociologists at the Kinsey Institute of Indiana University, is the first international ... Read more

People’s deepest sexual desires revealed

Straight men prefer heavier women to thinner females and find feet erotic, according to a surprising survey of online searches. Scientists have finally got a grip on our deepest sexual desires, by looking at what people type into Google. They have examined one billion online sex-related searches from around the world to find out what ... Read more

Married women are happier because society ‘approves’

Unmarried women who live with men are unhappier than married women because society “disapproves” of their behaviour, according to a sociological study. The study of 22,000 people from around the world found that women who cohabited with men before they were married were slightly unhappier than married women, and that the most likely reason was ... Read more

Seven signs your partner is cheating

Adultery is quite commonplace amongst modern couples, and with the internet and mobile phones it’s easier than ever for an unfaithful partner to conceal their whereabouts. While your cheating other half may try to hide his mistress, being unfaithful requires a lot of attention to detail that escapes many men. Those who aren’t careful enough ... Read more

Women take just 3 minutes to decide on Mr Right

It takes a woman just three minutes to make up her mind about whether she likes a man or not, a study has revealed. The research showed that the average female spends the time sizing up looks, physique and dress-sense as well as taking in scent, accent and eloquence of a potential suitor. Women also ... Read more

Want him to fancy you? Look up!

If your idea of flirting is to go bright red and hang your head in shame, it’s time to listen up! Researchers say that the way you tilt your head can dramatically alter your attractiveness to the opposite sex. Apparently, women should angle their head forwards, so they have to look slightly upwards and men ... Read more