Prime Bank Cricket Club general secretary Tanjil Chowdhury on Thursday took a swipe at the Bangladesh Cricket Board for not allowing using video cameras during matches of the ongoing Dhaka Premier League. In a directive issued — on Bangladesh Cricket Board and Cricket Committee of Dhaka Metropolis said, ‘no team is permitted or any player is not permitted to video recorder.’
Tanjil, himself a BCB director, blasted the
BCB decision in Facebook post, alleging that the
move was taken to justify the wrongdoing of some clubs.
‘See the letter from the BCB and the CCDM (Cricket Committee of Dhaka Metropolis)!! You want to know our fault? We (Prime Bank CC) have appointed an analyst and statistician to record our Dhaka Premier League matches for training purpose,’ said Tanjil.
‘But as there is a chance of getting caught with their wrongdoings and, please Almighty pardon me, the third umpire would also have to use their brain, we were shunned,’ Tanjil wrote in his post.
Prime Bank used a computer analyst in their
opening game but to their dismay they were told not to record any future matches.
When contacted CCDM co-ordinator Amin Khan said they instructed the teams not to use any video cameras in order to avoid some unnecessary controversies.
‘In the past we have seen that this kind of footage often led us to problem. The video footage can be easily doctored. Teams were seen using these footages to raise complaints against oppositions and authorities,’ he said.
-With New Age input