The Bangladesh Football Federation on Wednesday submitted an appeal to the court of chamber judge seeking a stay order of High Court directive that asked to hand back eight players to Sheikh Jamal Dhanmondi Club. The chamber judge Justice Mirza Hussain Haider referred the matter to the full bench for further hearing on Sunday, without giving any order.Jamal demanded that eight players—Mamunul Islam, Rayhan Hasan, Sohel Rana, Nasiruddin Chowdhury, Shahidul Alam Sohel, Jamal Bhuiyan, Yeamin Ahmed Chowdhury and Alamgir Kabir Rana— to be handed them back immediately as the chamber judge did not give any stay order on High Court directive.
The High Court on March 28 issued a directive asking the Bangladesh Football Federation not to allow those players to play any clubs except Jamal.
‘Before getting the recommendation of players’ status committee, they [Jamal] filed writ petition so that we asked the stay order,’ said BF lawyer Mehedi Hasan.
‘After hearing, chamber judge referred the matter to the full bench.’
The BFF deferred the Independence Cup for two days from March 30 to April 1 following the High Court directive. The tournament will now start as per new schedule as clubs agreed to play without these eight players.
-With New Age input