The Bangladesh Football Federation on Wednesday reappointed Marful Haque as the national team coach for the upcoming Bangabandhu Gold Cup football tournament, scheduled to be held in Jessore and Dhaka from January 8-20. Maruf, who earlier said will not continue the job until he is given a longtime contract, held a meeting with BFF president Kazi Salahuddin before changing his mind.
Maruf returned home early as Bangladesh were eliminated from the group stage of the ongoing SAFF championship after their defeats against Afghanistan and the Maldives.
‘I had a discussion with him [Kazi Salahuddin] and explained the reasons behind such performance,’ Maruf told reporters.
‘However, he requested me to continue with the national team in the Bangabandhu Gold Cup and I also accepted the proposal,’ said Maruf after the meeting.
BFF president Kazi Salahuddin refused to speak to the media but its general secretary Abu Nayeem Shohag said that they had continuous touch with Maruf after he publicly expressed his unwillingness to continue.
‘Actually, that [unwilling to take the responsibility again] was a different perspective because I was asked [by the media] whether I am interested to work with Bangladesh again. I told them that I was appointed till the SAFF Championship,’ said Maruf.
‘Now I have been offered the job again and I have taken the responsibility.’
Maruf will start his camp from January 4 with 23 players before heading to Jessore to play the first match on the opening day against Sri Lanka.
Bangladesh are pitted in the Group A with Nepal, Sri Lanka and Malaysia while Bangladesh Under-23 team will feature in Group B along with Bahrain, Cambodia and Maldives.
-With New Age input