Saturday, March 1, 2025

Osteoporosis alert for women

A lot of people have been amazed by the revelation of the week coming from Hollywood actress Gwyneth Paltrow’s who says she is suffering from Osteopenia. Osteopenia is a decrease in the amount of calcium and phosphorus in the bone. This disease causes bones to be weak and brittle and increases the risk for broken ... Read more

Lemon juice for good health!

Lemon juice has more benefits that you’d ever imagine. Lemons have five per cent of citric acid, which gives it its unique taste. Rich in vitamin C, it also has vitamin B, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, proteins and carbohydrates. Here are some benefits. – Suffer from indigestion? Mix a few drops of lemon juice with

Four coffees a day ‘will keep mouth cancer at bay’

Drinking four cups of coffee a day protects against oral cancer, a study shows. People with a heavy coffee habit are 39 per cent less likely to suffer from cancers of the mouth and pharynx, it suggests, quoted. Doctors say people should drink coffee in moderation because caffeine can increase heart rate and blood pressure. ... Read more

Humour good for health up to the age of about 70

A sense of humour can contribute to good health, but after the age of 70 those benefits appear to wane, according to a study in Norway. The analysis looked at records from 53,500 individuals who were followed up after seven years, and researchers used questionnaires to evaluate the ability of individuals to understand humour and ... Read more

Fewer sugary drinks can help blood pressure: study

WASHINGTON: Drinking fewer sugary drinks, one of the main sources of sugar in the US diet, can help reduce blood pressure, according to a study Monday in the American Heart Association journal Circulation. “Our findings suggest that reducing sugar-sweetened beverages and sugar consumption may be an important dietary strategy to lower blood pressure and further ... Read more

Moderate drinkers have better health than teetotallers’

People who drink moderate amounts of alcohol have better health on average than those who are teetotal, according to a major new study. The study indicates that moderate drinkers have lower rates of heart disease, obesity and depression than people who abstain from alcohol entirely, quoted The Telegraph.  But while recent research has highlighted the health-giving ... Read more

Ayurvedic diet for summer

As the summer arrives, it brings happiness along with bright sunny weather. The sunny weather is welcomed with different bright colored flowers and fruits. You may see many trees blossoming with cluster of flowers. It takes away the chillness of winters and sets you more active. No doubt that people enjoy summer as, it is ... Read more

Health resolution for 2010

People make new resolutions on the commencement of a New Year to lead a better life, to remain heal and hearty throughout the year and after on. Some people pledge to shed extra pounds, give up their bad habits like quitting smoking, alcohol, excessive eating. Some people make healthy plans like dieting, exercise and regular ... Read more

Nutrition to prevent pregnancy complications

Under-nutrition and malnutrition in pregnancy period are the major problems in Bangladesh that threaten the health of both mother and their babies. Maintaining proper nutrition during pregnancy is specially considered to be of importance for the high prevalence of low birth weight, fetal growth retardation and perinatal death (death around birth period). Experts identified limited ... Read more

How to reduce the risk of breast cancer

October which is observed as Breast Cancer Awareness Month reminds our pledge to boost awareness about breast cancer. Every year, the deadly cancer affects thousands of women in Bangladesh. Many of the deaths from this cancer could be prevented through adopting useful measures like self examination of breast, regular and periodic screening, early diagnosis and ... Read more

Shower heads can spray dangerous bacteria: study

CHICAGO – Shower heads can deliver a face full of dangerous pathogens, according to a study published Monday which found them to be ideal breeding grounds for bacteria. US researchers analyzed 50 shower heads from nine different cities and found 30 percent harbored significant levels of a pathogen linked to lung disease called mycobacterium avium. ... Read more

Five Health Reasons for Drinking Water

Do you drink enough water, at least 8 glasses a day? If not, then read below and find out the top five health reasons for drinking water. Water is nature’s most treasured gift that sustains life. A major part of human’s body is composed of water and it is an extremely important component for sustenance ... Read more

Vegetables more hydrating than a glass of water

A new study had found that some fruit and vegetables may hydrate the body twice as effectively as a glass of water – making them a refreshing snack option during the hot summer months. Containing hydrating salts, minerals and sugars, they work in a similar way to the isotonic drinks favoured by athletes. Water-rich fruit ... Read more

Cancer boost from whole carrots

The anti-cancer properties of carrots are more potent if the vegetable is not cut up before cooking, research shows. Scientists found “boiled before cut” carrots contained 25% more of the anti-cancer compound falcarinol than those chopped up first. Experiments on rats fed falcarinol have shown they develop fewer tumours. The Newcastle University study will be ... Read more

Breastfeeding lowers heart risks for mother: study

WASHINGTON : Postmenopausal women who have breastfed a child have a lower risk of heart attacks, stroke and cardiovascular disease, a study released Tuesday found. The study of 139,681 postmenopausal women found that those participants who breastfed for at least one month had lower blood pressure, better cholesterol and less frequent diabetes, all known factors ... Read more

Steaming hot tea linked to cancer

Drinking steaming hot tea has been linked with an increased risk of oesophageal (food tube) cancer, Iranian scientists have found. The British Medical Journal study found that drinking black tea at temperatures of 70C or higher increased the risk. Experts said the finding could explain the increased oesophageal cancer risk in some non-Western populations. Adding ... Read more