The government will ask the doctors at upazila level to visit all schools in their respective localities to protect students from swine flu infection. Officials of the education ministry Thursday told New Age that they requested the health secretary in a
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Rid Pharma officials defy court order
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BB suspends 9 officials for torn note scam
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Sircar’s writ on jurisdiction of JS body
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Blind, yet they set green mark
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Shortage of eye donations limits corneal transplants
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Reform body for decentralising Nat’l University
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Andhra Pradesh CM killed in chopper crash
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13 workers fall sick in cold storage
Thirteen workers fell unconscious at a cold storage at Gudaraghat Farashganj in the city’s Sutrapur early yesterday due to accumulation of a huge quantity of ammonia
Each migrant remits Tk 1 lakh year: WB
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1.66 lakh children get life skill education
A total of 1,66,000 urban working children, including 60 percent girl, are being provided with quality life skill education by the government to help them get rid of risky and hazardous
Digital pre-paid cash card soon
The country will soon get the first ever digital pre-paid cash card as the Bangladesh Bank (BB) has decided to allow the commercial banks to issue such a modern facility in line with the vision for digitalising Bangladesh
Woman burnt to death for dowry in Kurigram
A woman died in Dhaka Medical Hospital 17 days after being burnt allegedly by her husband for dowry at Ulipur in Kurigram. The deceased was Zobeda Begum, 26, daughter of Zahurul Haque of Purba Balakandi at Rajarhat in the
Horror inside subways
Plight of pedestrians mounts as addicts, vagabonds rule city underpasses Though the subways of Dhaka city are meant to facilitate pedestrians, they have instead emerged as shelter for drug addicts and vagabonds to the sufferings of city
Extended primary education to be free
Final report on education policy placed to govt The National Education Policy Formulation Committee has suggested extension of free primary education up to class VIII and secondary education up to
Crackdown on highways in the offing
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300,000 share croppers to get agri-credit this fiscal
Around 300,000 sharecroppers of the country are expected to get agriculture credit of Tk 500 crore during the current fiscal year. Brac, a non-government organization, will disburse the loans through their 150 branch networks in 150 upazilas in 35 districts under
Bangladesh is a model state in S Asia
US Deputy Secretary of State James B Steinberg on Tuesday said Bangladesh is a model in South Asia and has the potential to become a middle-income country
JS panel backs 2 AHN routes amid dissent
A parliamentary watchdog has finally given backing to two of the proposed routes for the Asian Highway Network through Bangladesh, amid continued opposition from
Most hospitals not yet fit to fight flu
12 fresh swine flu infection reported The government’s swine flu management system seems to have failed to keep pace with the increasing number of patients as most of the 15 hospitals brought under the system are yet to set up separate corners at their