Saturday, March 1, 2025

Why the AL won and the BNP lost the election-2008

COMMENTARY Why the AL won and the BNP lost the election-2008 Mahmud ur Rahman Choudhury God forbid that I be considered pro or anti anyone. I have to start on this apologetic tone because things are so polarized in Bangladesh that people tend to see everything in black and white ignoring the shades in between ... Read more

Climate change and food security

Mahbuba Nasreen World Food and Agricultural Organization’s (FAO’s) recent projections to 2030 suggest that globally the share of food in average household expenditure will continue to decline. However, recent trends, at least for some commodities, appear to be showing the reverse, with food prices increasing faster than incomes. Growing scarcities of water, land and fuel ... Read more

Young women ‘have more sexual partners’ than men

Young women are more promiscuous than men, according to a survey that claims the average 21-year-old has had nine sexual partners compared with seven for men. By Martin Beckford The poll of 2,000 by the magazine More also found that one in four young women has slept with more than 10 people, compared with one ... Read more

What the political parties are promising us: Pros & Cons

Commentary Mahmud ur Rahman Choudhury All eyes and minds are riveted on the politics of the Country with the major political combines of BNP and AL in a tizzy over the upcoming polls. BNP and AL have issued their manifestos on 12 and 13 December respectively, promising everyone every conceivable and some inconceivable things too. ... Read more

Strategic investment can cure economic ailment

TURNING RECESSION INTO REWARD Strategic investment can cure economic ailment M. Shahidul Islam. A hybrid brand of ‘National Socialism’ is back in disguise as the governments everywhere is stepping into economic management of matters that have hitherto been under the purview of the private sector. That does not mean the Hitlerism is back, but it ... Read more

Arctic reported to be on thin ice

AP. WASHINGTON: Autumn temperatures in the Arctic are at record levels, the Arctic Ocean is getting warmer and less salty as sea ice melts, and reindeer  herds appear to be declining, researchers have reported. “Obviously, the planet is interconnected, so what happens in the Arctic does matter” to the rest of the world, Jackie Richter-Menge ... Read more

Reduce greenhouse gas emissions

Global Warming Reduce greenhouse gas emissions Farhad Tuhin Greenhouse gases naturally blanket the Earth and keep it about 33 degrees Celsius warmer than it would be without these gases in the atmosphere. Over the past century, the Earth’s temperature has increased by about 0.5 degrees Celsius and scientists believe this is because of an increase ... Read more