Saturday, March 1, 2025

Dalai Lama to speak out 50 years after failed uprising

DHARAMSHALA, India : Tibetan spiritual leader the Dalai Lama was to address his community of exiles Tuesday, the 50th anniversary of a failed uprising against China that forced him to flee to India. Prayers, vigils and protests were planned throughout the day in Dharamshala, the northern Indian hill town where the Tibetan government-in-exile has been ... Read more

Google Earth reveals secret history of US base in Pakistan

From The Times Jeremy Page The US was secretly flying unmanned drones from the Shamsi airbase in Pakistan’s southwestern province of Baluchistan as early as 2006, according to an image of the base from Google Earth. The image — that is no longer on the site but which was obtained by The News, Pakistan’s English ... Read more

Geography professor claims to have found Osama bin Laden

A Californian geography professor has used techniques for hunting endangered species to pinpoint three houses in Pakistan where Osama bin Laden could be hiding. By Ben Farmer in Kabul Using patterns of how animal species spread, the world’s most wanted terrorist can be tracked down to a town in the tribal region of North West ... Read more

Report: British Boy Becomes Father at 13

LONDON (AP) — A 13-year-old boy pictured in a British tabloid cradling an infant is reportedly one of the country’s youngest-known fathers. Baby-faced and only 4 feet (1.22 meters) tall, the boy, Alfie, was just 12 when he impregnated Chantelle, now 15, The Sun said. Shown in a video posted Friday to the tabloid’s Web ... Read more

Is George Clooney Dating Fatima Bhutto (Benazir Bhutto’s Niece)?

By The Staff at UPDATE: The rumor that Geoge Clooney is dating the 26-year-old niece of assassinated Pakistani Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto is false, according to the actor’s publicist Stan Rosenfield. Rosenfield e-mailed wowOwow saying “The story is not true,” as rumors continue to grow that the striking actor has been cuddling up with ... Read more

60-year-old woman gives birth to twins in Canada

AP Alberta: A 60-year-old woman in western Canada has given birth to twins after going to India for fertility treatments, the new mother told a Canadian broadcaster on Thursday. The Alberta Health Services issued a news release on Thursday saying the mother and two infants are in good condition. The health department also said the ... Read more

Exploding mobile phone kills man in China

A man has died after his mobile phone exploded, bursting an artery in his neck, it has been reported. The shop worker from Guangzhiu, China, died moments after he put a new battery in his phone, it has been claimed. It was believed that he may have just finished charging the battery and had put ... Read more

Rare Australian heatwave claims homes, lives

MELBOURNE: Australia’s second-largest city Melbourne ground to a halt Saturday, crippled by a once-in-a-century heatwave that has claimed almost 30 lives and razed at least 17 homes. Wildfires raged through the southeastern state of Victoria, where authorities said flames had come dangerously close to major electricity transmission lines which supplied power to Melbourne on Saturday. ... Read more

Giant sculpture honours Iraqi shoe-thrower

BAGHDAD: A huge bronze shoe sculpture has been erected in tribute to the Iraqi journalist who grabbed instant fame when he threw his shoes at former US president George W Bush last year. The shoe, in which a tree has been planted, stands three metres high (about 10 feet) and sits atop a white pedestal ... Read more

5,500-years-old cave houses found in China

Indo-Asian News Service Xi’an: Archaeologists have unearthed the earliest man-made cave houses and privately-owned pottery workshops in China which date back 5,500 years. After four years of excavation, a row of 17 cave houses were found on a cliff along the Jinghe River in northwest China’s Shaanxi Province, said Wang Weilin, deputy director of the ... Read more

Let children break a leg!

UK government report says playgrounds must be designed to increase likelihood of injuries so children learn to manage risks By Agencies London: Children should be allowed to break their legs and eat poisonous plants as part of their physical and social development, says a UK report. The government document by Play England and the Department ... Read more

Mexico police chief’s head found in ice box

The head of a Mexican police chief was delivered to his colleagues in an ice box in the country’s latest drug-related violence. The incident came as 16 other people were also killed in Mexico’s northern state of Chihuahua in attacks the authorities believe are linked to the country’s drug wars. “Hitmen cut off commander Martin ... Read more

Fishermen survive 25 days in icebox in shark infested waters after boat sinks

By Hannah Wood, Two fishermen who were lost in shark-infested waters for 25 days have been rescued. The duo was found desperately waving their shirts while helplessly floating in an icebox through treacherous waters. An Australian Coastwatch plane was flying across the Torres Strait, between Australia and Indonesia, on Saturday when the crew spotted ... Read more

Barack Obama inauguration: Everything you need to know

Barack Obama will make history when he is sworn in as the 44th President. Here is everything you need to know about the inauguration and the celebrations and festivities surrounding it: By Aislinn Simpson, Catherine Elsworth, Mike Pflanz and Tom Leonard Bible Barack Obama will swear his presidential oath of office on the bible Abraham ... Read more

Zimbabwe introduces $100 trillion banknote

Zimbabwe’s central bank will introduce a $100 trillion Zimbabwean banknote, worth about US $33 on the black market, to try to ease desperate cash shortages, state-run media said on Friday. Prices are doubling every day and food and fuel are in short supply. A cholera epidemic has killed more than 2,000 people and a deadlock ... Read more

Plane crashes in New York’s Hudson River, all 155 safe

NEW YORK: A US Airways plane carrying 155 people crashed into New York’s Hudson River Thursday, but all aboard had a miraculous escape as the freezing waters rose around them, US officials said. The Airbus carrying 150 passengers and five crew lost power in both engines almost simultaneously, a highly rare event, just minutes after ... Read more