Huawei has recently released a report on cyber security.
The document, titled “Cyber Security Perspectives: 21st century technology and security a difficult marriage,” discusses the impact cyber security is
having on technology, the global supply chain, and society.
Cyberspace is a new and unfamiliar domain that has gradually become the ‘nervous system’ through which society operates. In a world where over 87% of the population is
mobile users, the stark reality is that cyber security is a growing global challenge demanding rational and universal solutions.
As governments, enterprises and consumers have become increasingly reliant on ICT solutions that integrate inputs designed, developed, coded and manufactured by
multiple suppliers around the world, the scale of the cyber security challenge has grown exponentially.
Huawei says as a multinational corporation, protecting the network security of its customers is in line with Huawei’s fundamental interests.
In that line Huawei has established and implemented an end-to-end global cyber security assurance system that embeds security into internal procedures. The system has
been established and implemented across all business areas, such as corporate policy and management, organisational structure, personnel, and technology to ensure its
effective deployment and to build an auditable, sustainable and reliable security system.
-With The Daily Star input