Sunday, February 23, 2025

New DMD for Trust Bank

MM Haikal Hashmi has joined Trust Bank as deputy managing director, the bank said in a statement yesterday. Prior to the appoin-tment, he was the senior executive vice president and head of credit risk management of Dhaka Bank. Hashmi also served Credit Agricole Indosuez, ANZ Grindlays Bank, Standard Chartered Bank, American Express Bank and Mashreq ... Read more

New DMD for National Bank

Abdul Hamid Mia has recently been promoted as deputy managing director of National Bank, says a statement yesterday. He was the senior executive vice president of the bank prior to the promotion. In his banking career of 31 years, he also worked with Sonali Bank, IFIC Bank,

Mohabbat, Faruque become NCC Bank DMDs

Mohabbat Khan and TM Faruque Chowdhury have recently been promoted to the posts of deputy managing director of NCC Bank Ltd. Prior to the promotion, they were senior executive vice-presidents of the bank, said a news release. Mohabbat started his banking career in 1977 and Faruque in 1978 as probithonary

New DMD for Prime Bank

Md Golam Rabbani was promoted as deputy managing director of Prime Bank recently. Prior to this assignment, he was the senior executive vice president of the bank, said a statement. Rabbani started his career in 1977 in Bangladesh Shilpa Rin Sangstha and joined Prime Bank on