Tuesday, April 1, 2025

Sand trading or river grabbing?

Govt launches drive to protect Turag, locals sceptic In a drive against river grabbing often under the cover of sand trading, the Dhaka district administration yesterday removed heaps of sand from the foreshore of the Turag river, but did not arrest or fine anyone. Administration officials, who conducted the drive at Sinnirtek in the capital’s Mirpur, ... Read more

BIWTA takes down illegal building, walls

Reclaiming Turag River BIWTA takes down illegal building, walls A Bangladesh Inland Water Transport Authority (BIWTA) team in a drive yesterday knocked down a building and six boundary walls and detained nine workers from seven dredgers and a sand carrying vessel in the Turag river. Dhaka district Magistrate Abu Sayeed of the team also seized ... Read more

Fresh grabbing narrows Turag

Wrongly Set-up Pillars Fresh grabbing narrows Turag Land grabbers have occupied a large portion of the Turag river after the Gazipur district administration “wrongly” put up boundary pillars along the dry-season waterline, excluding much of the river land. Since the pillars were set up nine months ago, river grabbers in their dozens have been filling ... Read more

Shady realtors choke Turag

DoE finds 4 companies responsible for earth filling in the river Neither the local administration nor the relevant authorities stopped the massive destruction of the river Turag, its foreshores and adjoining wetlands with mindless earth-filling by a number of private housing companies to develop plots choking the river almost by half at Goran Chat Bari ... Read more

Akheri Munajat today

Second phase of Biswa Ijtema begins Jan 28 The first phase of Biswa Ijtema, one of the largest congregations of the Muslims, ends today with Akheri Munajat (concluding prayers) on the bank of Turag in Tongi. Eminent Islamic scholar Moulana Jobayerul Hasan of India will lead the concluding prayers starting around 11:00am