Saturday, July 27, 2024

Indian Hilsa importers demand price-cut of Bangladeshi Hilsa

Our Correspondent, Barisal The Indian Hilsa importers of West Bengal have demanded price-cut of Bangladeshi Hilsa or to face stoppage of export from Bangladesh. Ajit Das alias Monu Babu and Md. Yunus Sikdar, President and Secretary of Bangladesh Fish Exporters Association of Barisal, informed this correspondent that their counter part Atul Das, Chairman of Hilsa ... Read more

SCC organogram finally okayed after 4 years

Iqbal Siddiquee, Sylhet At long last, the ministry of LGRD has approved the organogram of Sylhet City Corporation (SCC), four years after submission of the same. However, the approved organogram allows a 650-strong manpower for 31 departments and sections of the SCC while the SCC had proposed for 850 staff to manage matters related to ... Read more

Fake examinees flee scene

Our Correspondent, Kushtia Fifty-six fake Secondary School Certificate (SSC) examinees under Jessore board fled examination hall and did not turn up yesterday at Daulatpur (D-pur) centre. Thirty-five of them were giving proxy at the centre on Tuesday as examinees from Kamalpur High School while 21 others as examinees from Kalyanpur High School. Two headmasters, Abdus ... Read more

Bhutan offers Bangladesh surplus power

United News of Bangladesh . Dhaka Bhutan offered Bangladesh opportunity of importing surplus electricity from the Himalayan country to feed its power-hungry national grid in the wake of huge demand. As the Bhutanese ambassador in Dhaka made the offer Wednesday, the commerce minister, Faruk Khan, said Bangladesh would sign trade agreement with Bhutan within May ... Read more

Prospect of broccoli farming bright in northern districts

BSS, Rajshahi Agronomists, researchers and scientists revealed that there has been a bright prospect of broccoli farming commercially everywhere in the northwestern region of the country. They said the prolonged winter climate being experienced in the region is suitable for cultivation of the non-conventional crop that is commonly known as green cauliflower. Its plant and ... Read more

Call centres face hurdles

Md Hasan The nascent call centre industry is facing policy hurdles and a shortage of skilled human resources that are posing a threat to nip the promising industry in the bud. Only seven out of 300 call centre licence holders in the country are inching towards grabbing a share of the $450 billion global

Recession hits garment sector: BGMEA

Staff Correspondent Garment exporters have admitted that the global recession has started affecting their businesses as orders are falling and importers are puting pressure for more price cuts. They, however, said that the government frustrated them more as it so far had not taken any decision on a stimulating support which

SOBs target 231 loss-makers for changing status

Asif Showkat Three state-owned banks, among four have targeted 231 loss-making branches to make them profitable by this year. The SOBs are Sonali, Janata and Agrani banks. Sonali Bank, the largest of the SOBs with 1,181 branches, had the most 439 loss-making branches in 2007 and the reform measures brought the number down to 191, ... Read more

Concord to expand Foy’s Lake resort

Kawsar Khan Concord Entertainment Company Limited (CECL) plans to invest Tk 15 crore over the next one and a half years to expand its resort facilities at Foy’s Lake in Chittagong, in a bid to cash in on a steady inflow of tourists. In the next five years, CECL, a concern of Concord Group, will ... Read more

Investment in savings certificates shoots up . Dhaka Investment in national savings certificates has increased two and a half times in the first half of the 2008-09 fiscal year compared with the previous year. Reduced inflation and suspension of anti-graft drive have contributed to the rise of investment in savings schemes, experts say. According to the central bank data, savings ... Read more

UN unveils ambitious ‘green’ food programme

AFP, Nairobi The UN Environment Programme has unveiled an ambitious seven-point plan to feed the world without polluting it further by making better use of resources and cutting down on massive waste. A survey of the current state of food production and consumption released to a forum of the Kenya-based UNEP and world environment ministers ... Read more

Russia keen to replicate Grameen Bank model

Star Business Report A delegation led by Deputy Minister for Economic Development of Russian Federation Anna Popova arrived in Dhaka yesterday on a four-day visit to Bangladesh to learn about operations and the legal structure of Grameen Bank and

Increase in mobile phone penetration enhances GDP growth

BSS, Dhaka According to a recent research findings with every ten percent increase in mobile phone penetration, a country’s GDP increases by 0.6 percent. A Wireless Intelligence report said Bangladesh at present is one of the top ten mobile phone growth markets in the Asia-Pacific region. It said in 2007, Bangladesh recorded unprecedented increases in ... Read more

23 million Asians to lose jobs this year: ILO

Agence France-Presse . Manila More than 140 million people could be plunged into poverty and 23 million lose their jobs in Asia this year as the global financial crisis batters the region, according to a study released Wednesday. The crisis could also slow rural-to-urban migration, with many facing the prospect of returning to low-paid agricultural ... Read more

Toxic elements in Dhaka, Chittagong air reach dangerous level

Shahidul Islam Chowdhury Severe air pollution is choking the citizens in the Dhaka and Chittagong cities with poisonous particles in the air exceeding the permissible level of human toleration. The citizens are at a serious health risk due to the highly-polluted air. ‘Many patients, both elderly and young, are coming to us these days with ... Read more

Panic spreads as law enforcement slacks

Julfikar Ali Manik with Kailash Sarkar Law and order is witnessing a slide with an increase in criminal activities in the city and elsewhere in the country, although law-enforcement agencies and the government claim to have the situation under control. Despite such claims of the police, Rapid Action Battalion (Rab) and other law-enforcement agencies, a ... Read more

Silent extortion goes on by different groups

Staff Correspondent Silent extortions by different group of outlaws under the shadow of political influentials have been going on in the city’s different areas and recently it has intensified keeping city’s small businessmen and traders in anxiety. In the name of ruling political party activists, the terrorists are issuing threats to the owners of different ... Read more

Bad loans with SoBs decline for first time

Reforms, absence of political interference seen as reasons; loans with pvt banks rise Rejaul Karim Byron Defaulted loans with state-owned banks (SoBs) decreased for the first time last year because of absence of political interference and reforms initiated by the immediate past caretaker government in the last two years. However, default loans with the private, ... Read more

RMG workers’ rights smashed by 3 CG ordinances

Staff Correspondent Workers Party President Rashed Khan Menon on Wednesday said promulgating three ordinances relating to garments industry and workers by the immediate past caretaker government, the rights of around 25 lakh garments workers was smashed illegally. He said this at a discussion meeting organized by an apex body of 21 different garments workers federation ... Read more