Popular rocker Shafin Ahmed, lead vocalist of the band Miles, rocked a full-house audience at Indira Gandhi Cultural Centre in
Gulshan on Saturday evening.
Accompanied by musicians on different instruments like guitar, bass, drums and violin, Shafin presented his famous numbers, most of which are his own compositions. He also presented a cover song on request from the audience.
Shafin’s son Ozzy also rendered a few numbers at the show.
The rocker began by paying tribute to his father, famous musician Kamal Das Gupta. He presented one of the most famous soft rock fusion songs by Gupta-Kotodin dekhini tomay.
Shafin enthralled the audience with his rendition of Prothom premer moto, Din gelo abar din phire elo, Ei swapno bhenge na jay, Dukhhosrot, Mogno chhilam, Ar kotokal khujibo tomay, Dorodia, Parina Bojhate.
The artiste informed the audience that he would like to sing a Tagore song and a Nazrul number. He successfully jazzed up Tagore’s Sedin dujone and Nazrul’s Mone pore aj, keeping the original composition undamaged. His recital was appreciated by the audience through loud applauses.
Shafin concluded the programme by singing Hotel California by The Eagles, responding to audience requests.
The audience also had an opportunity to discover the talent of the artiste’s son Ozzy as the father and son rendered a duet of It’s Magic, composed by Shafin.
Ozzy surprised the audience as he rendered Bon Jovi’s famous number
Welcome to wherever you are and Green Day’s Boulevard of broken dreams in solo.
-With New Age input