ZEE5, the world’s largest streaming service for South Asian content, was launched in the USA on June 22. The launch announcement was made by Archana Anand, Chief Business Officer, ZEE5 Global. She was joined by the special guest, actor and entrepreneur Priyanka Chopra Jonas. On the occasion, ZEE5 announced a host of originals across languages to release on the platform in the coming months, including internationally acclaimed Bangladeshi director Mostofa Sarwar Farooki’s debut web series, “Ladies and Gentlemen.”
Produced by Nusrat Imrose Tisha, the series touches upon social themes such as gender inequality, rape culture, and patriarchy, among others. Sabila, the lead character played by Tasnia Farin, represents the hustle and tussle of Bangladeshi working women.
At the event, Priyanka Chopra Jonas said that she is looking forward to watching the storytellers entertain new audiences around the world, and she will be cheering them on from the sidelines.
On the other hand, Archana Anand noted that bringing ZEE5 into the USA acts as a powerful bridge between the South Asian diaspora in America, their culture, and their languages.
Congratulatory messages from noted Bangladeshi stars, including Zakia Bari Mamo, Rafiath Rashid Mithila, Shamol Mawla, Maria Noor, and Mostofa Sarwar Farooki were also shared at the event.
“Ladies and Gentlemen” is set to release on ZEE5 on July 9.
-With The Daily Star input