For the first time Bangladesh is going to contest for the position of the Regional Director of South East Asia Region (SEAR) of the World Health Organization (WHO) for the term 2014-2019.
Bangladesh has nominated eminent physician Dr Syed Modasser Ali, prime Minister’s health adviser for the post for which India and Myanmar is also contesting. But insiders feel that Bangladesh is in a better position as both India and Myanmar held the position previously.
Election for the post will be held in New Delhi in September 2013 during the Regional Committee Meeting of the WHO South East Asia.
SEAR is one of the 6 regions of the WHO and 11 countries including Bangladesh, India, Bhutan, South Korea, North Korea, Indonesia, Maldives, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Thailand and Timor are members of SEAR. The then India’s prime minister Nehru’s personal physician became the first RD of the SEAR in 1948 when the Head Quarters of the SEAR was established in Delhi. He held the position for 20 years. Sri Lanka was elected to the post in 1968 and then in 1998 Indonesia was elected to the post defeating India. Bangladesh withdrew its candidate in 1998 at India’s request. In 2004, Thailand was elected to the post. However local experts felt that since Bangladesh never held the position and Bangladesh has achieved a lot in the health sector, it has a bright prospect in winning the position. Since, traditionally countries having the Head Quarters never contest for the post of the RD, India’s contesting in the election may not be taken positively by many members of SEAR .
They also pointed out that Dr Mudasser’s vast experience and reputation would also be a plus point for Bangladesh. Dr Mudasser served as the DG of the Health Department and was the executive council member of WHO twice.
-With The Independent input