Sunday, March 2, 2025

A flash into Language Movement

Bhasha Andolan Jadughar A flash into Language Movement A class VI student was staring wide-eyed at a picture on the Language Movement of 1952 fixed to the wall of “Bhasha Andolan Jadughar” (Language Movement museum) inside Bangla Academy yesterday. “These pictures are outstanding. I got a very detailed idea of the 1952 Language Movement after ... Read more

SUST celebrates Pitha Utshab

Shahjalal University of Science and Technology (SUST), Sylhet celebrated its 14th anniversary with Pitha Utshab (rice cake festival) on December 8 in its campus. The day-long festival began with the delectable Pitha Utshab. The event drew hundreds of people including students, teachers and many others. The students attended the Utshab with their variety of traditional ... Read more

Aspirants weave dreams in CU’s picturesque beauty

Admission tests, which otherwise correlate with hours of continuous stress, couldn’t be more relaxing if not for the campus that has a perfect touch of God-gifted scenic beauty, so say admission seekers about Chittagong University (CU) campus. Thousands of aspirants from all over the country came here to sit for admission tests for the 2011-12 ... Read more

ICT fair kicks off, with focus on tech in daily life

The fourth BCS ICT World 2011, an exhibition of information and communication technology, kicked off in Dhaka yesterday with a slogan for technology in education and daily life. The exposition that pulled in 50 local and foreign companies showcases ICT innovations at Bangabandhu International Conference Centre in Dhaka. The five-day expo organised by Bangladesh Computer ... Read more

Happy on clean Ctg streets

Omar Faruk, an A-level student of Sunshine Grammar School and College, looked very pleased yesterday as he along with a hundred mates just finished a clean-up campaign on different streets that surround their school compound in the port city. “I am satisfied as I have performed my duty as a citizen of the country,” he ... Read more

DCC to introduce solar street lights

The Dhaka City Corporation (DCC) has chalked out a Tk 3.90crore  programme to introduce solar street light at Arambagh area initiallyon  an experimental basis. If the programme is successful, the streets in the wholeDhaka city will be brought under solar lighting system, said DCC Mayor Sadeque Hossain Khoka in an interview with The New Nation. ... Read more

Keep cars at home once a week to cut pollution

Speakers tell cycle procession Speakers at a cycle procession yesterday urged authorities concerned to take necessary steps so that car owners keep their cars at home once a week to reduce environment pollution, traffic congestion and dependency on fossil fuels. Only five percent of the city’s people ride cars which occupy around 70 percent of ... Read more

Double delight from Pizza Hut

To celebrate the Eid, the world’s favourite pizza restaurant, Pizza Hut, has introduced a double stuffed crust “Cheesy-sausage Crust” pizza from yesterday. This special pizza will be available with peoples’ favourite versions of pizza including Chicken Classic, Pollo Heaven, Spanish Delight, Chicken Italia, Spicy Chicken, Florence Chicken, Rustica, and Latin Spicy Hot, says a press ... Read more

Moon ride on Ctg streets

Residents suffer as rain leaves port city roads potholed, waterlogged “Where is the government now? Doesn’t it see our sufferings?” This was HSC student Suchitra Chowdhury’s reaction when her rickshaw turned turtle while going over a pothole near Chawkbazar in the port city on Sunday. She was injured and missed an important day at college. ... Read more

Ugly hoardings bury scenic port city

Thousands of haphazard billboards have buried the scenic beauty of Chittagong city. The billboards on the sides of roads and medians have made the port city an eyesore decreasing the visibility of the commuters as well as the city dwellers. These visually polluting hoardings are standing with advertisements of different commercial concerns in their bodies ... Read more

Rain paralyses life in port city

Heavy raining in Chittagong city continued for the sixth consecutive day yesterday, inflicting endless suffering on the people as waterlogging hampered educational and business activities. Students and office-goers had to suffer a lot, as waterlogging situation grew most acute between 7:00am and 11:00am. Very few motor vehicles and rickshaws plied the streets under knee-deep water. ... Read more

Burdened with sitting service

In the name of sitting service, the majority of the city bus operators continue to overcharge passengers even if the government hiked bus fares by 30 percent this May. Sitting service, which “ensures that all passengers travel seated”, is not approved by the government and is adding to the suffering of the city dwellers. “Take ... Read more

Low-lying Ctg city areas go under water

Low-lying areas of Chittagong city went under water after heavy downpour at regular intervals from dawn to dusk yesterday. Around 10 lakh residents of Bakalia, Agrabad, Halishahar, Bahaddarhat, Khatunganj, Chaktai, Chittagong Development Authority residential area, Chawk Bazar and Badurtala areas have been affected. Waist-deep water was seen in several areas where the residents were trying ... Read more

Ramadan starts with iftar galore

As the holy month of Ramadan began in Bangladesh yesterday, Chawkbazar, the most famous market for traditional iftar items in the capital, was bustling with shoppers from all localities. Like the other years, traders started displaying a variety of iftar items since afternoon as the around-50-foot-long lane became overcrowded with the time of Iftar approaching. ... Read more

Dhaka University turns 90

The Dhaka University Day was observed yesterday on the university campus with great enthusiasm among the teachers, students and officials. There was an air of festivity on the campus as hundreds of students, teachers and administrators organised processions, discussions, cultural events, debate competitions and sports, marking the day. Key buildings on the campus were illuminated ... Read more

QUBEE laptop fair opens

The QUBEE Summer Laptop Fair 2011 began on Friday at Bangabandhu International Conference Centre in the Dhaka city with the theme ‘lit the light of technology’. The state minister for science and information and communication technology, Yeafesh Osman, inaugurated the three-day fair. The state minister said the government wanted to provide technology for all and ... Read more

Yearlong clean-up drive at Ramna Park begins

Bangladesh Scouts on Friday started a yearlong clean-up drive at Ramna Park in the city in a bid to remove dirt and waste materials from the park. About 400 Cubs and Scouts from the city’s 25 educational institutions participated in the inaugural programme. The drive initiated by Bangladesh Scouts of Dhaka metropolitan unit began at ... Read more