Saturday, March 1, 2025

Govt invites parties to speak on media, Dhaka Fifteen political parties are being given the chance to deliver electoral speeches on state-run Bangla-desh Television and Bangladesh Betar. “The speeches will be broadcast from Dec 17 but the draft texts have to be submitted beforehand (by Dec 15),” information secretary Jamil Osman said on Sunday. The information ministry has sent letters to ... Read more

BNP pledges accountable political system

Khaleda unveils 36-point election manifesto Shahidul Islam Chowdhury  The Bangladesh Nationalist Party chairperson, Khaleda Zia, pledged to create a responsible and accountable political system in the country as she unveiled the party’s 36-point election manifesto on Saturday. She also promised to make Jatiya Sangsad the ‘centre of politics’, amendments to provisions of the caretaker government ... Read more

AL manifesto termed positive subject to implementation

Staff Correspondent Economists and political analysts on Saturday termed Awami League ‘election manifesto’ as positive but said political parties before election usually promise to do all good for the people and the country but when they go to power, they don’t implement their commitment. To The Bangladesh Today, economist and political analyst Farhad Mazhar said ... Read more

Martyred Intellectuals Day today

Staff Correspondent The nation pays tribute to the martyred intellectuals today amid increasing demand for trial of war criminals who systematically killed prominent Bangladeshi intellectuals and professionals at the fag end of the Liberation War on this day in 1971. On this day in 1971 renowned academics, doctors, engineers, journalists, teachers and other eminent personalities ... Read more

Filing of nomination for upazila polls ends

9,976 nomination papers filed Staff Correspondent The election authorities received a total of 9,976 nomination papers from aspirants in 481 upazilas till Saturday, the last date for the filing of nominations for the January 22 polls, the Election Commission said. Of the total aspirants, 3,562 filed nominations for the post of chairman, 2,968 for the ... Read more

Vote 4-party to foil anti-state plots, Urges Khaleda Zia

Staff Correspondent BNP Chairperson Khaleda Zia yesterday urged people to vote for the BNP-led four-party alliance to foil the conspiracy to make the country a ‘failed and subservient’ state. “A political alliance has been conspiring to make the country a failed and subservient state. They foiled the January 22 election last year killing people and ... Read more

No anti-Islamic law if AL voted to power, Says Matia

Staff Correspondent Awami League (AL) will not formulate any anti-Islamic law if voted to power since the party is committed to restoring the image of Islam as a religion of peace and equality, said AL presidium member Matia Chowdhury yesterday. “Awami League and its allies do not want to use Islam as a political tool ... Read more

We joined Awami League for sure win: Ershad, Sylhet Jatiya Party joined the Awami League-led electoral alliance for a sure victory, JP Chairman Hossein Muhammed Ershad said on Saturday. “I’m disappointed that we got much less than what we wanted from the alliance, and we got only one seat in Sylhet out of six,” the former president told local media in Sylhet. ... Read more

Dense fog disrupts journey of Dhaka bound passengers

Road, water and air communications disrupted Staff Correspondent Dense fog on Saturday disrupted road, water and air communications throughout the country causing untold suffering specially to the city bound people who were returning to their respective cities including capital Dhaka after Eid celebration. The fog forced flight operations at the Zia International Airport (ZIA) to ... Read more

EC in dilemma over symbol distribution: Parties, allies in disarray

Pulack Ghatack Ties within the major political parties as well as in their electoral alliances remain loose resulting in the increase of defiant candidates, which has bewildered the Election Commission (EC) in allotting symbols for the December 29 general elections. Indecision among the parties over seat sharing with their allies has also put the EC ... Read more

India pressurises Pak to crack down on militants

Pak govt banned Jamat-ud-Dawah for its own interest, says US Afp, Pti, New Delhi India yesterday piled new pressure on Pakistan to crack down on Islamic militants in the wake of the Mumbai attacks, with Prime Minister Manmohan Singh citing a “moral duty” to combat terrorism. The comments came after Pakistan arrested dozens of members ... Read more

UN talks set stage for climate pact next year

Afp, Poznan, Poland A planet-wide forum on climate change yesterday hammered out a work schedule designed to end in a treaty for expunging the darkening threat to mankind from greenhouse gases. In the pre-dawn hours, the 192-member UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) in Poland set down a programme of work that, it declared, ... Read more

Mannan Bhuiyan begins polls campaign . Dhaka Former BNP secretary general Abdul Mannan Bhuiyan launched his election campaign on Saturday with ‘duck’ symbol as an independent candidate from the Narshingdhi-3 constituency. He held electoral rallies at different places at Bagab union under Shibpur upazila. ‘I have got into the election battle to represent you. I seek your blessings,’ the ... Read more

Pak militants destroy more Nato vehicles

Five killed in bomb blast Afp, Peshawar/ Miran Shah Suspected Taliban militants yesterday attacked a Nato supply depot in northwest Pakistan while five people were killed in roadside bomb blast in the same region rocked by violence. Taliban destroyed 11 trucks and 13 containers bound for foreign troops in Afghanistan in the depot attack, police ... Read more

Politicians, rights groups unhappy

CONDITIONAL EASING OF EMERGENCY Politicians, rights groups unhappy Shahidul Islam Chowhdury. While political parties are seemingly unhappy about the government’s decision on conditional relaxation of restrictions on campaign for the forthcoming general elections, rights groups and labour organisations believe the relaxation will not help any section of society to enjoy democratic liberties and basic rights. ... Read more

Researchers allege trick in test report announcement

MELAMINE PRESENCE IN MILK Researchers allege trick in test report announcement Kazi Azizul Islam. The commerce ministry has played a trick in making decisions on the test of tainted brands of imported powder milk, leaving people confused, alleged researchers and consumer rights activists on Tuesday. The ministry on Monday announced five out of the eight ... Read more