Monday, March 3, 2025

Endless Dharla erosion, unending woes

8,000 families homeless in last 15 years From The Daily Star Once solvent farmer Hazrat Ali occasionally comes to reminisce on the bank of Dharla River that devoured his 20 bigha of lands during the last five years. A resident of Mogholhat village in Lalmonirhat Sadar upazila, Ali with his wife, three children and aged ... Read more

Two lakh street children grow up without education

At least five lakh people, including two lakh street children, do not get any assistance either from the government or from the non-governmental organizations and they grow up without education having no knowledge about their rights in society. Dhaka Metropolitan Police Commissioner AKM Shahidul Haq told reporters that the number of teenaged criminals are increasing ... Read more

Padma river relics still unguarded

People on Sunday continued taking away bricks of relics that showed up in the River Padma in Rajshahi as water has receded, witnesses said. Sources said a fisherman on Thursday saw the top of a building under the water at Chak Rajapur of Bagha when he went fishing there and the top showed up on ... Read more

BAU Germ Plasm Centre develops 48 fruit varieties

The Germ Plasm Centre of Bangladesh Agricultural University (BAU) has been playing a significant role in the country’s fruit sector by developing new varieties of delicious fruits. The centre has so far developed 48 varieties of fruits including local and foreign varieties while many small and marginal farmers have brought their fortunes by cultivating those ... Read more

Human chain formed for cold storages

Leaders of Bangladesh Krishak Samity formed a human chain and staged demonstrations demanding construction of sufficient cold storage facilities and potato and tomato purchase at state initiative immediately. The Samity organised the demonstration in the city’s Muktangan with its president Morshed Ali in the chair. The programme was addressed, among others, by general secretary of ... Read more

Grabbers feast on Cox’s Bazar hills

Different groups under real and fictitious banners are seen in a race for grabbing hill land in Cox’s Bazar district town. They are flattening the hills and fencing off the hill land. Indiscriminate cutting of hills is posing a threat to the ecological balance as the soil from the hill cutting is filling up the ... Read more

75 out of 97 level crossings left open

Bangabandhu Bridge-Joydevpur Rail Line 75 out of 97 level crossings left open At least 75 of the 97 level crossings on the Bangabandhu Bridge-Joydevpur rail line have been left without gates and gatemen rendering them risky for pedestrians and vehicles, reports The Daily Star. Even the level crossings with gates and gatemen are unsafe too, ... Read more

Low water flow Padma drying up

The scanty water flow has been triggering the drying up process of the mighty Padma and its tributaries causing an adverse impact on environment in the drought-prone Barind tract. Experts said the entire northern and southern regions of the country, particularly the vast Barind tract, are facing ecological disorder due to adverse impact of the ... Read more

Saving tigers of Sundarbans

Foresters’ training on tiger conservation launched Department of forest has launched a training programme for foresters as well as people to develop their wildlife conservation skill following the backdrop of extinction of tigers particularly the rare species of Royal Bengal Tiger in the Sundarbans due to human-tiger confrontation. State Minister for Environment and Forest Dr ... Read more

Parthenium weed poses danger to crops

Parthenium, a newly discovered invasive and dangerous weed, has been posing a serious health problems to human beings and livestock and also causing loss of crops and vegetation in the country, reports The New Nation The dangerous weed is affecting many countries in Asia, Africa and the Pacific Islands causing serious environmental problems. It is ... Read more

Child labour getting up alarming in Bangladesh

The number of child labour in climate change affected countries like Bangladesh may rise in near future as the change may make it more difficult for children to attend school whose families struggle to survive, warned Save the Children, UK. In a new report titled ‘Feeling the Heat: Child Survival in a Changing Climate’ the ... Read more

People continue to suffer 5 months inside Aila

Food, water, sanitation still problems for Dacope people From NewAgebd Living became a nightmare for people of Dacope, an upazila in southwestern Khulna, after May 25 when the region was battered by water surges whipped up by cyclone Aila that ripped through the coastline into India. And it has not yet changed for the better ... Read more

Solar-powered irrigation pump launched

From The New Nation First ever solar-powered irrigation pump launched yesterday at Kaishar Char in Savar that will save 760MW of electricity and 800m litter of diesel in a year. Channel I Director Shaikh Siraj and Rahimafrooz Renewable Energy Ltd Chairman Niaz Rahim jointly inaugurated solar-powered irrigation pump. Rahimafrooz has introduced the solar-power irrigation system ... Read more

Rising of sea level major concern in South Asian countries: 18pc Bangladesh land to go under water

About 18 per cent of Bangladesh land will go under water and much of the Maldives would submerge following sea level rise at certain level, ‘World Development Report 2010: Development and Climate Change’ released yesterday in advance of the December meetings on climate change in Copenhagen said. “Rising sea levels are also of important concern ... Read more

Most Teknaf villages have no schools

45,000 children deprived of education, engaged in work About 45,000 children are being deprived of education in Teknaf upazila as 77 out of 143 villages in the upazila bordering Myanmar have no government or non-government educational institutions. Upazila Nirbahi Officer Md Tofael Islam said in absence of any school in the villages, a large number ... Read more

Madhupur forest now a den of criminals

3 bodies recovered in last 7 days Madhupur forest has turned into a safe haven for criminals where people don’t dare to come out of their homes even during daylight hours and tourists often fall victim to muggers and hoodlums. Madhupur police have recovered three bodies including those of a couple from the forest in ... Read more

Micro-credit programme with a difference

Chinta Rani, 32 and Maloti, 35, both housewives and living at the village of Kutubpur under South Sunamjganj Upazila in Sunamganj, are no more taking loan from any NGO or Mohajan. Now, they can take loan from their own organisation formed comprising 30 others families of the village three years ago in association with a ... Read more

Country loses 20,000 km river routes

The waterways of Bangladesh now come under threat due to losing river routes over the years. The waterways are still considered as a cheap, safe and comfortable communication system in the country. According to the sources in the Ministry of Shipping, about 20,000 km out of 26,000 km of river routes of the country has ... Read more

Test results show pesticide poisoning

Children’s Death Test results show pesticide poisoning After testing biological and environmental samples taken from two villages of Dhamrai, Atlanta Centre for Disease Control (CDC) and Prevention of the US confirmed that pesticides caused the deaths of four children there in April and May. The CDC in their report said they found organophosphate, one of ... Read more