Views & analysis Social networking sites: Small place, big impact Mohammad Ruhul Kader With the passage of time communication process has changed significantly. Unlike previous post office and “Late Latif manner”, now we can communicate instantly and easily with anyone, from anywhere of the world. Most of these are the sole contribution of Social Networking ... Read more
Tech & web
Kiss Transmitter Lets You Make Out Over the Internet
Used to be, when inexperienced teenagers and lonely misanthropes wanted to practice kissing, they puckered-up and smooched the back of their hand. Leave it to Japan to come to the rescue. Considering the popularity of silicon Dutch Wives in the Land of the Rising Sun, this next
Royal wedding drives record traffic to Yahoo!
Yahoo! on Monday said that online interest in the royal wedding led to record high traffic at its websites. Preliminary figures released by the California-based Internet pioneer indicated that it handled a record-setting 50,000 requests per second for wedding-related content. Requests-per-second peaked at 33,000 after the recent earthquake and tsunami in Japan
Sony to resume some PlayStation gaming services
Sony has said it will resume some services on its PlayStation Network, which was shut after the theft of personal details of about 77m users. Sony officials said they had boosted the security of their computer systems after user names, email addresses and log-in details were stolen
What is next breakthrough in technology?
Before I dwell on the subject- latest developments in technology- I wish to touch upon a few scientific truths to guide the readers to better appreciate my points of view. Progress of science happens exponentially, not linearly, meaning that exponential curve starts slowly and then skyrockets towards infinity. Accumulation of knowledge is like an inverted ... Read more
Hackers are using three families of malware in exploiting user trust in supposedly safe websites
By Tom Brewster Some savvy cyber criminals have used just three families of malware to infect around five million systems, in what one security firm has labelled the “trust phenomenon.” Rather than using more shady areas of the internet, such as pornography or download sites, to spread infection, the hackers tracked by avast! have sought ... Read more
The UK economy will take a serious hit from cyber crime this year, a Symantec report says
By Tom Brewster Cyber criminals will cost the UK economy an estimated £1.9 billion in 2011, according to a Symantec report. This means that this year, on average, each cyber crime victim will lose £103, the research indicated. Furthermore, Symantec estimated 19 million Brits, almost a third of the nation’s population, will be affected by ... Read more
Nokia and Microsoft sign strategic tie-up
Nokia has confirmed its long-rumoured deal with Microsoft under which Windows Phone will become the firm’s primary smartphone operating system, going head-to-head with Google Android and Apple’s iPhone. In the strategic partnership deal, the two companies will use their “complementary strengths and expertise to create a new global mobile ecosystem”
Microsoft claims Hotmail restored after email glitch
A computer glitch that caused some Hotmail users to temporarily lose all of their emails has been resolved, according to Microsoft. A number of people posted complaints to the company’s online message board at the weekend, claiming their emails had disappeared. In some cases, e-mails were mistakenly sent to their deleted mail
Universal charger for mobile phones due in 2011
London: Mobile phone users could benefit from a universal cell phone charger from early 2011. The world’s 14 most prominent mobile manufacturers have been sent details by the European Commission of a new standard connection, after they agreed to sign up to it in June 2009. The technical specifications are based on the micro-USB connector ... Read more
Canada is the most web-addicted nation on earth
Canadians spend more time on the web and its offshoots – Facebook, YouTube and Twitter – than people anywhere else in the world. They are neck and neck with Indians for the number of Facebook accounts, says a report. According to comScore, the leading online measurement service, Canadian online users
Facebook hits us up with its top status trends of 2010
Facebook has revealed its top 10 trends in status updates for 2010. The most popular trend is a new acronym for hanging out. Not to be outdone by Twitter, which released its 2010 trends, Facebook has revealed the top 10 trends among status updates this year. About half of the trends seem to overlap with ... Read more
100mn people joined Twitter in 2010
MICROBLOGGING service Twitter had 100 million new sign-ups this year, the site has revealed, including high-profile celebrity users such as Bill Gates, Tiger Woods and Kanye West. More than 100 million people joined microblogging service Twitter this year, the company has revealed. Tiger Woods, Bill Gates, Kanye West and Cher have all signed up to ... Read more
Google celebrates 115 years since the discovery of X-rays
You’ll notice that today the Google logo looks very special, it’s in honor of the 115th anniversary of the discovery of X-ray radiation. The twin ‘O’s in the Google logo, an animated GIF, pulse gently with a radioactive glow. The search-engine’s logo is shown as an x-ray with bones forming the six letters, with other
Mount Everest gets 3G network
Communication from the top of the world has got easier with a Nepali telecom firm providing third generation (3G) mobile network at the summit of Mount Everest, the world’s tallest mountain. Officials of Ncell, a subsidiary of Swedish telecom major TeliaSonera told reporters on Thursday that the company has set up a 3G phone base ... Read more
Google Chrome 7 Download Now Ready
Google has released the Google Chrome 7 browser. This newest and latest version contains a number of bug fixes as well as a few new features that improve the browsing experience for users. New features included are aimed mostly at developers which include AppleScript support for Mac OS X users which allows for UI automation ... Read more
Google to launch Google TV this month
Google launched an extensive mini-site dedicated to the Google TV, the company’s service announced earlier this year designed to integrate TV watching and the Internet. One of our goals with Google TV is to finally open up the living room and enable new innovation from content creators, programmers, developers and advertisers. By bringing Google Chrome ... Read more
It’s time to fly
Commercial jetpack looks to take flight The Martin jetpack, a commercially developed jetpack, may soon be heading to a sky near you. It is about time man flew among the birds — alone. We may not have the homes on the moon, or the flying cars that our totally reasonable childhood imaginations ensured us would ... Read more
Hotmail Password Security Strengthened
For a few years now, Hotmail users have been able to use an alternative email address to unlock their account if its been hacked or if their password has been lost or forgotten. With additional security questions at hand too, Hotmail’s security features have helped many users out of losing access to their email or ... Read more
Robots to get sensitive artificial skin
A new type of artificial skin with a sense of touch that rivals the human variety could lead to next-generation robotic and prosthetic devices. When covered with the electronic skin, or “e-skin” as the researchers call it, robots would be able to touch and move objects with the appropriate force. For example, the e-skin would ... Read more