Sunday, June 2, 2024

Rekha takes oath as Rajya Sabha member

Veteran Bollywood actress Rekha has been sworn in as an MP in India’s upper house of parliament, the Rajya Sabha. Taking her oath, the actress vowed to “faithfully discharge the duty upon which I am about to enter”. India’s prime minister can nominate 12 people with special experience in “literature, science, art and

Hen lays ‘eggless’ chick!

A Sri Lanka hen has given birth to a chick without an egg, in a new twist on the age-old question of whether the chicken or the egg came first. Instead of passing out of the hen’s body and being incubated outside, the egg was incubated in the hen for 21 days and then hatched ... Read more

World’s first sex school opens in Austria

While many people may think it’s an activity which should be best learned behind closed doors, an enterprising Swedish schoolmistress thinks otherwise. Ylva-Maria Thompson has opened the world’s first international sex school to teach its students how to be better lovers. The Austrian International Sex School in Vienna offers “hands on” lessons in seduction for ... Read more

Erotic dancer forces flight to turn back

A flight from Moscow to London was turned back when a drunken female passenger started performing erotic dances in front of shocked passengers. The 7am flight from Moscow’s main Domodedovo airport did an about-turn 15 minutes after the take-off on Friday because of the 39-year-old woman’s antics, Ria Novosti news agency reported. ”The woman was ... Read more

China faces bride shortage

Experts have warned that millions of Chinese men of marriageble age may be living as frustrated bachelors by 2020 due to the country’s gender imbalance, a trend that will add pressure to social stability. Boys under 19 outnumber girls in the same age group by 23.77 million, which leads to the inevitable conclusion that more ... Read more

Prison officers having sex with prisoners

An investigation of Queensland prison officers has found evidence of corruption and conflicts of interest between prisoners and guards. Queensland Corrective Services found that the interest ranged from “sexual activity” between guards and prisoners to suspected bribes, according to documents obtained under Right to Information laws. Since January 1, 2009, there have

New Missouri Law Bans Student-Teacher Facebook Friendships

Can you really ban students and teachers from being Facebook friends? We’ll soon find out in Missouri. According to Missouri Senate Bill 54, which goes into effect on August 28, any social networking – including, but not limited to, Facebook – between teachers and students is prohibited. It’s all part of an effort to “more ... Read more

Looking for foreign brides

Women from poorer Asian countries flood South Korea to find a husband By Bryan Kay for Christian Science Monitor Seoul: To put it simply, says Renalyn Mulato, the daughter of a Filipina immigrant married to a South Korean man here, the key to happiness in her multicultural home is love and understanding. That may seem ... Read more

Man sentenced to death for raping daughter

A Pakistani court has awarded the death sentence to a man for raping his 15-year-old daughter. Additional sessions judge Tahir Khan Niazi handed down the capital punishment after the charge against Khalid Amin was proved. Complainant Parveen Bibi lodged an FIR with Kahna police, accusing her former husband of raping their

Man drinks gasoline for 42 years

The 71-year-old man from China started drinking gasoline 42 years ago under the belief that it could cure his chest pain caused by a severe cough. But soon, Chen Dejun was addicted to the fuel and has to drink 3 litres of gasoline every month. Living by himself in a shabby thatched cottage on a ... Read more