News Desk :
Fresh Tissue observed ‘Pink Day’ on Tuesday with the theme of spreading breast cancer awareness to the people of all spheres.
All of the employees from MGI wore a pink T-shirt at work to observe the ‘Pink Day’. A rally was also organised from MGI to spread breast cancer awareness to all.
The participants in the rally shared images and posts from their social media platforms as a part of observing ‘Pink Day’.
Every year, the month of October is observed as ‘Breast Cancer Awareness Month’ globally, which is also referred as ‘Pinktober’.
Fresh Tissue, a flagship brand of Meghna Group of Industries, has been doing nationwide activities on breast cancer awareness and detection for the last few years, said a press release.
Besides MGI, leading organisations including Grameenphone, Asiatic 360, Grey Group and others also conveyed their support to the cause, as their officials also wore a pink T-shirt at their own workplaces.
Bangladesh Police Welfare Trust and Oasis also came in solidarity with the initiative taken by Fresh Tissue.
Previously, co-chairperson of Asiatic 360 Sara Zaker, managing partner and country head of Grey Group Bangladesh Gousul Alam Shaon, CEO of Grameenphone Yasir Azman and others shared video messages conveying their support to this noble initiative taken by MGI through Fresh Tissue facebook page.
Besides, a special OVC was posted on the official Facebook page of Fresh Tissue at the start of October as a part of this initiative.
As per the data of World Health Organisation, approximately 7 thousand women die every year, approximately 19 women every day, in Bangladesh.
Only by raising awareness, we can reduce this alarming rate. If detected at the early stage, the survival rate from breast cancer is approximately 90 per cent.