Rangona Natya Gosthi staged Haay Devdas, an adaptation of Sarat Chandra Chattopadhyay’s classic Devdas, at the National Theatre Hall of Bangladesh Shilpakala Academy on Monday.
Adapted and directed by Siraj Haider Haay Devdas features a young man named Devdas who is separated from his beloved Parvati, begins to take alcohol and eventually dies. A love triangle is created in the play with the entry of another major character Chandramukhi.
‘I am passionate about Devdas nd have seen all the works on the character whether it is a film or play. I have adapted the novel from my love for the character,’ Haider informed New Age.
The play is almost the same as the real novel except the first scene where the protagonist Devdas talks to a drunken man. The two talk about the fact that how now-a-days people started mocking Devdas, who is supposed to be an embodiment of pure love. Devdas then recalls his love with Parvati and the actual story of Devdas begins. Theatre got mixed reactions from the audience. ‘The play was enjoyable especially the last scene when Devdas dies,’ Babul Islam, an audience said.
‘It seems the director is very much influenced by Hindi and Bangla films,’ said Asha, another audience.
-With New Age input