Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina on Tuesday said the government has enacted several laws following the steps of Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman to contain and stop the incidents of oppression and repression in the country. In a statement on the occasion of International Day Against Torture to be observed on Wednesday, the Prime Minister said the government has taken various steps to stop social crimes in the country. Mentioning that the government enacted the ‘Women and Children Act’ when it was in power in 1996, Hasina said the government believes in the freedom of expression and ensured this basic rights of people.
Recalling the horrific rule of BNP-Jamaat government that came to power through conspiracies, she said a number of 18 journalists, including Humayun Kabir Balu and Manik Saha, were killed at the time. During the BNP-Jamaat regime, she said, the entire Bangladesh had gone under a severe state of disorder as terrorism spread allover the country.
Hasina mentioned the raise of militants Abdur Rahman and Bangla Bhai and many terrorist groups in the country who were patronised by the state. “BNP-Jamaat terrorists group killed principal Gopal Krishna Muhuri in his own house,” she said recalling the grenade attack on her in 2004 and the serial bomb blasts across the country in 2005.
The Prime Minister said the BNP-Jamaat government in the name of ‘Operation Clean Heart’ also killed many innocent people.
She also mentioned the BNP-Jamaat regime in its five years of misrule and the army-backed caretaker government during its two years of rule killed thousands of Awami League leaders, activists and supporters across the country.
The Prime Minister mentioned the names of present Home Minister MK Alamgir and Awai League leader AFM Bahauddin Nasim who were brutally tortured at that time.
Hasina said the people of the country did not forget the misrule and oppression that carried out by the BNP-Jamaat terrorists groups before and after 2001.
Recalling the contributions of Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman in establishing peace in the world, she said for the recognition of which Bangabandhu was awarded Julio-Curie peace prize.
The premier said Awami League is also always works for the welfare of people following the steps of the Father of the Nation.
In this regard, she mentioned that she placed the ‘People’s Empowerment’ formula in the UN General Assembly in 2011 to establish peace and for the flourishment of democracy in the world, and this formula was adopted in the UN by 193 countries.
-With The Independent input