Opposition BNP on Wednesday accused the government of trying to gain its ‘blind vengeance’ against Nobel laureate Dr Mohammad Yunus, and urged it to refrain from filing any conspiratorial case against him. In a statement, BNP acting secretary general Mira Fakhrul Islam Alamgir said, “The present Awami League government has been on the spree of gaining blind retribution against Grameen Bank founder and Nobel Peace Prize winner Dr Mohammed Yunus.” He also alleged that there is no heinous act the government did not commit to harass Dr Yunus since it came to power. “An internationally acclaimed institution like Grameen Bank is also being destroyed.”
“I equivocally and strongly condemn and protest such reprisal vengeful attitude of the government towards Dr Mohammad Yunus,” Fakhrul said adding, “I also strongly demand the government retreat from its move to file a conspiratorial case against him.”
He alleged that the government could not assuage its grievance even after blocking the path of 84 lakh women involved in the organisation to earn their livelihoods. So, they are relentlessly trying to harm Yunus and harass and malign him.
The BNP spokesman also said as the government does not care about the people’s liking and disliking, it has got desperate to take all-out measures, including making irresponsible remarks, carrying out false propaganda and indulging character assignation, to suppress its critics, opponents and noted citizens of the country.
Expressing his anger, Fakhrul said Dr Yunus, an internationally-revered person, is disgraced and defamed in his own country. “It seems that the government is taking measures in a haste to file a case against him to harass him further,” the BNP leader said.
The Cabinet on Monday asked the National Board of Revenue (NBR) to take action against Professor Muhammad Yunus as per its report for his alleged tax dodging on his foreign incomes.
-With The Independent input