Saturday, July 27, 2024

Metro Rail Project: Air force concern unfounded

Experts object to its route change proposal; financier upset with delay, change Bangladesh Air Force’s objection to the Bijoy Sarani portion of the proposed 22-km metro rail on a plea that it will hinder the operation of Tejgaon airfield is unfounded, experts have said. The experts also rejected an alternative route, suggested by the air ... Read more

Save JS complex from metro route

Architects, environmentalists ask govt, suggest relocation of military sites from city  The air force’s pressure to realign the proposed metro rail route through Jatiya Sangsad Bhaban premises is not acceptable, leading architects and city planners said at a media briefing in the capital yesterday. They instead demanded relocation of all military installations from the core ... Read more

Now Louis Kahn’s JS masterpiece at stake

Air force’s objection forces metro rail to change route; new proposal awaits PM’s approval; financier Jica yet to respond In the face of pressure from Bangladesh Air Force, the government has decided to change the course of the much-talked-about metro rail, and take it through the parliament complex. About 55 metres of land on the ... Read more

Metro rail stops at air force red signal

Bijoy Sarani link seen as risky for security; financier Jica upset; meeting adjourned for today Construction of the much anticipated metro rail looks uncertain as the government might bring another modification in its alignment in the face of the air force’s objection to the current alignment running across Bijoy Sarani. Japan International Cooperation Agency (Jica), ... Read more