Tuesday, April 1, 2025

DCC official draws flak from locals

Jatrabari Road DCC official draws flak from locals The Dhaka South City Corporation (DSCC) administrator was severely rebuked by transport workers and local people at Jatrabari in the capital yesterday while he was accompanying the communications minister to check the condition of roads. Such a situation ensued after a Chittagong-bound luxury bus of Saudia Paribahan

Mosquitoes free to bite

Citizens complain of the menace, 2 DCCs’ adulticide dearth Though the Dhaka City Corporation was bifurcated with a view to improving public service, city dwellers are hardly getting any respite from mosquito menace. Life indoors and outdoors in the capital has become so uncomfortable due to this seasonal boom of mosquitoes. The homeless and security ... Read more

Two bureaucrats appointed to head split DCC

EC rules out poll within 90 days The government Sunday appointed two senior bureaucrats as administrators for the newly split Dhaka City Corporations under the new rules passed in parliament last month. An official announcement said Director General of Bureau of Manpower Employment and Training (BMET) Khorshed Alam Chowdhury has been appointed administrator to DCC ... Read more

Dhaka city sliced into two

JS passes bill in a hurry Parliament on Tuesday passed the Local Government (City Corporation) (Amendment) Bill 2011 dividing Dhaka City Corporation into two entities. The passage of the bill empowered the government to remove the mayor and councillors and appoint two administrators from civil servants or people it deems competent for the two corporations ... Read more

Citizens threaten movement against split

A number of eminent personalities yesterday threatened to launch a greater movement against the government’s decision to split Dhaka City Corporation into two. The government has taken the decision in an “autocratic” manner by ignoring public opinion, they said. They expressed their views at a citizens’ rally organised by the Dhaka City Corporation

Beautification goes on silently

The government has taken up a massive scheme to beautify the 98-acre area of Dhanmondi Lake in the capital. The Tk 24-crore Dhanmondi Lake Restoration Project got rolling this week, with the work order being issued before the Eid-ul-Azha holidays. Neither the Dhaka City Corporation (DCC) nor any other authority, however, made a formal announcement ... Read more

Civil society united against DCC split

Members of civil society on Thursday observed that splitting Dhaka City Corporation (DCC) would not ensure better civic services rather it would serve the political interests of the ruling Awami League. The observation came at a round-table discussion on “Division of Dhaka City Corporation and Relevant Thought,” which was organised by Sushashoner Jonne Nagorik (Sujan) ... Read more

Move to split DCC gets cabinet nod

In a major move, the Cabinet on Monday approved a proposal to split the Dhaka City Corporation (DCC) into Dhaka City Corporation (North) and Dhaka City Corporation (South) to ensure better administration and civic services in the fast growing highly-populated capital city. The proposal to amend the Local Government (City Corporation) Act, 2009 was approved ... Read more

WASA plans walkways to save Dhaka canals

To protect reclaimed canals from further encroachment, the Dhaka Water Supply and Sewerage Authority (DWASA) has taken an initiative to build walkways around the canals, to demarcate them permanently. The ministry of finance has already allocated Tk. 8 crore for this purpose, DWASA managing director Taqsim A Khan told reporters, at a press briefing in ... Read more

DCC to introduce solar street lights

The Dhaka City Corporation (DCC) has chalked out a Tk 3.90crore  programme to introduce solar street light at Arambagh area initiallyon  an experimental basis. If the programme is successful, the streets in the wholeDhaka city will be brought under solar lighting system, said DCC Mayor Sadeque Hossain Khoka in an interview with The New Nation. ... Read more