Saturday, July 27, 2024

Debater Ahmad Tousif Jami becomes head coach of Moroccan Development Debating Team

News Desk : Independent University Bangladesh debater Ahmad Tousif Jami has been appointed as the head coach of the Moroccan Development Debating Team for the year 2023, said a press release on Monday. Jami will work with the future generation of school-level debaters of Morocco as the head coach, starting November 2022 until mid-June ... Read more

IUB holds Corporate Grooming Session

The Office of Career Guidance, Placement and Alumni Relations of Independent University, Bangladesh organised a Corporate Grooming Session on the campus in Dhaka on Thursday, said a press release. The programme was organised in close collaboration with the five academic schools of IUB. The first session was jointly conducted by Sayeed Nasir, executive vice-president and ... Read more

IUB holds Science Olympiad

The School of Engineering and Computer Science (SECS) of Independent University Bangladesh (IUB) has organised a daylong Inter-college Math & Science Olympiad on its permanent campus at Bashundhara R/A in the city yesterday. Some 136 students from 13 colleges participated in this competition. Chairman of IUB