Saturday, July 27, 2024

An ambassador of marketing

Mastering Management An ambassador of marketing Philip Kotler, an American born renowned strategic marketer, is the world’s leading author on marketing. He is the SC Johnson Distinguished Professor of International Marketing at the Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University in USA. Kotler has been honoured as one of the world’s leading marketing thinkers. He received ... Read more

Build a brand, be global

Mastering Management Build a brand, be global Marketing guru Philip Kotler asks Bangladesh to work on its potential Marketing guru Philip Kotler suggested Bangladesh and its corporate leaders should focus on developing global brands for sustainable development. Bangladesh and China have no global brands although the populations of the two countries are higher than that ... Read more

HR outsourcing for a competitive edge

Mastering Management HR outsourcing for a competitive edge The Bangladesh economy is increasingly being integrated with the global economy because of trade liberalisation. Hence, the country’s corporate sector is facing cut-throat competition. They need to be more cost-effective and efficient to survive in a highly competitive world. Corporate Bangladesh, therefore, should emphasise developing its core ... Read more