Sunday, February 23, 2025

SEC executive director made OSD

The Securities and Exchange Commission has made its executive director Anwarul Kabir Bhuyian an officer on special duty. The commission sent to Anwarul an official order signed by the SEC chairman, Ziaul Haque Khondker, withdrawing him from the responsibilities of the listing and supervision and

Govt actions draw doubts

Stockmarket Crash Govt actions draw doubts The policymakers demonstrated their lack of seriousness in identifying the real culprits behind the recent stockmarket debacle, by taking 15 days time for forming a probe committee to investigate market manipulation, said analysts yesterday. They however said the finance minister’s confession of making mistakes, and his meeting

Trading at bourses resumes today

Finance ministry finalises 14 decisions to stablise market Trading at the Dhaka and Chittagong stock exchanges will resume today with the circuit breaker on general indices withdrawn after a two-day trade suspension following a share market debacle and subsequent violent protests by small investors. The market regulators, as per the directive of the government, had ... Read more