Sunday, February 16, 2025

Stop violence against women

Thousands join human chains in Dhaka as part of global movement Thousands of people took the streets in the capital and elsewhere in the country on Thursday demanding an end to violence against women. Prominent personalities, rights activists, actors, corporate officials, students as well as NGO representatives joined the protests throughout the

Say no to violence against women

American feminist playwright urges American playwright, performer, feminist, activist Eva Ensler called everybody to observe February 14 as V-day for the protest against violence on women at a press conference held at the Hotel Ruposhi Bangla on Thursday. Tony award winning Enslar is visiting Dhaka as part of the ‘One Billion Rising Global Campaign’ marking February 14 ... Read more

Strict laws sought

Violence against Women Strict laws sought Strict laws should be passed and enforced to prevent violence against women in the country, speakers demanded at a human chain yesterday. They said the whole society, including the government, political and social parties and individuals, should hold strong protest movements to prevent violence against