Detective Branch (DB) of Dhaka Metropolitan Police in their separate drives from 3pm to 9pm on Monday nabbed the two opposition BNP backed Jatiyatabadi Chhatra Dal (JCD) men from different areas in the capital in connection with the recent bomb attack at Information Minister Hasanul Haque Inu’s official residence. They were central JCD committee member Akil Mahmud, 32, and its Titumir College unit activist Mahbubul Alam, 28.
DB Joint Commissioner Monirul Islam while briefing reporters at the DB office on Tuesday noon said, they first arrested Mahbub from the Baily Road area and recovered a motorcycle used in the bomb attack.
According to his information, the DB police later arrested Akil from Rupnagar area in Pallabi, he said.
The DB official said, during primary interrogation, the arrested confessed to their involvement in the bomb attacks on Inu’s house. He also said, the due carried out the bomb attack on the order of JCD central leaders.
On June 9, unidentified miscreants hurled four to five crude bombs at the residence of the Information Minister on Darus Salam Road in Mirpur.
Later, a Dhaka court placed the two JCD men on a seven-day remand in the case.
Metropolitan Magistrate Atiqur Rahman passed the order when Nibaran Chandra Barman, an Inspector of the DB of police and also the investigating officer (IO) of the case, produced them before the court seeking 10-day remand.
On June 9, unidentified miscreants hurled four to five crude bombs at the residence of the Information Minister on Darus Salam Road in Mirpur.
-With The Independent input