Wednesday, March 26, 2025

Environment rights groups want climate commission

Environment rights groups said on Wednesday that the climate change adaptation planning has barely been integrated into the national budget 2013-2014. A national climate commission should be formed for appropriate integration of climate adaptation, which is necessary for the country’s survival. They were speaking at a press conference on “Budget 2013-14 does

How Chittagong is losing its natural environment

The overall natural environment of the port city of Chittagong is under threat due to pollution, rampant hill cutting, tree cutting, absence of a drainage and sewerage system and discharge of clinical, industrial and household wastes. This is causing health and environmental hazards. Sources said the water of the Bay of Bengal at the Chittagong ... Read more

Warming trees limit warming – a little

Warmer temperature prompts trees to release aerosols which in turn stimulate cloud formation. And that can help to cool the temperature, at least modestly. Trees may provide the Earth with a little shade from global warming – indirectly. European and Canadian researchers report that they have found what engineers like to call a negative feedback ... Read more

Evaluating services of forest

Biodiversity contributes considerably to economy and environment Dr. M. A. BASHAR In developing countries, the necessity of publicising services of forests is severely lacking. This sector must be given attention with special emphasis. The country like Bangladesh has to be very serious in all respects to understand and exercise the services offered by the forests. We ... Read more

Mobile towers’ radiation poses threat hazards

An in-depth study of the impact of radiation emanating from cellphone towers on human health and environment is yet to be conducted in the country, even though the number of cellphone towers established by different operators has increased significantly in the last few years, following the expansion of mobile networks on a large

A prerequisite for sustainable development

Natural Resource Governance A prerequisite for sustainable development Rukshana Sultana The constitution of Bangladesh — article 143– illustrates that all natural resources on land and underground minerals and other things of value underlying the ocean within the territorial waters, or the ocean over the continental shelf of Bangladesh, are the properties of Bangladesh. In general, ... Read more

Contemplating mitigation measures

Global Warming Contemplating mitigation measures Md. Atikur Rahman All things that make up the environment are interrelated. The way in which people, animals and plants are related to each other and to their surrounding is known as ecology. The ecosystem is a complex web that links animals, plants and every other life form in the ... Read more

Save Savar from further degradation

Probir Kumar Sarker Over the recent years, Savar is experiencing immense pressure of new industrial, commercial and residential establishments. But most of these have already been done or are underway indiscriminately haphazardly, and by violating the environmental laws and ignoring overall public convenience, not to speak of the care for future growth. It has been a ... Read more

World living beyond its resources, summit off-track: WWF

Biodiversity has decreased by an average of 28 per cent globally since 1970 and the world would have to be 50 per cent bigger to have enough land and forests to provide for current levels of consumption and carbon emissions, conservation group WWF said on Tuesday. Unless the world addresses the problem, by 2030 even ... Read more

Save Sonadia, save Sundarbans

Sourav Mahmud Sonadia Island is one of the biodiversity hotspot of Bangladesh. In 1995, the Government of Bangladesh included a provision for the declaration of Ecologically Critical Area (ECA) in the Bangladesh Environment Conservation Act. Twelve sites are classified as ECAs and guidelines exist to control further damage to these areas. Sonadia is considered ecologically ... Read more

Ramsar Convention: Our obligation

Dr. M.A. Bashar It is learnt from newspapers very recently that in the Sundarbans area three large constructions will take place which are very dangerous and detrimental to normal functioning of the mangrove forest ecosystem. It means that the interactions between biotic and abiotic factors will be seriously hampered in the ecosystems conservation. The projects ... Read more

Green abroad, polluter at home

He is a Bangladesh born Spaniard. His family members campaign to protect and conserve the environment abroad. But back in his own country, his garment factory in Gazipur pollutes the river Turag. His name is Giasuddin Murad. The Department of Environment yesterday fined him Tk 39 lakh for emptying his factory’s

Environment: Future farmers hold key

GLOBAL food demand will double by 2050, according to a new projection, and the farming techniques used to meet that unprecedented demand will significantly determine how severe the impact is on the environment,  researchers say. The study researchers warn that meeting the demand for food will clear more land, increase nitrogen use and significantly add ... Read more

Declaration for survival

Climate-hit countries critical of inaction of rich nations, vow to fight the fallout together The worst hit climate vulnerable countries have emphasised developing their own capacities to fight the effects of climate change instead of sitting idle and waiting for assistance from developed countries. The determination was expressed at the end of a two-day Climate ... Read more

New scrap shipyards near Sundarbans

Govt eyes Baleshwar river bank in Barguna; environmentalists decry  Although the Sitakunda ship breaking yards in Chittagong continue to wreak havoc on the environment, the government nonetheless plans to allow new yards on the bank of the Baleshwar river in Patharghata upazila of Barguna district. A team of top officials from different departments, led by ... Read more

Salvaging Dhaka

Md. Mahbubul Huq for The Daily Star The engine behind a city is, apparently, its mayor. He is the chief of local government administration. Local government administration is responsible for providing services such as: fire safety, police protection, any emergency services, public school, water and sewerage, city planning, maintaining local environmental health, garbage collection, public ... Read more

Birds eavesdrop on predator chipmunks

Ground-nesting birds eavesdrop on chipmunks in order to protect their nests, according to scientists. Ovenbirds and veeries live alongside egg-eating chipmunks in the Hudson Valley, New York, US. Researchers have found that when simulated chipmunk calls are played, the birds nest up to 20 metres further away. The study is the first to show that ... Read more

Evaluating services of Sundarbans

Muhammad Selim Hossain and Mohammed Abdul Baten for The Daily Star Forest is a bounteous gift of nature that provides the basis of life and livelihood for humans. According to human history, hunting and gathering, the first and foremost livelihood of homo sapiens, was forest based. Interestingly, mangrove is the most diverse forest and is ... Read more