Thursday, February 13, 2025

Agri machinery fair, seminar held in Mymensingh

A day-long agricultural machinery fair and an agricultural mechanisation seminar were held to introduce modern agricultural machinery to farmers, agricultural entrepreneurs, and students on the upazila parishad premises at Phulpur in Mymensingh on Tuesday. The fair and seminar were organised by the Feed the Future Programme and the

Bangladesh may feel the heat

Grain Exporters’ Protectionism Bangladesh may feel the heat   Bangladesh might get hurt by rising world agricultural prices due to protectionism of grain exporting countries. “Export taxes and export restrictions lower prices domestically [in exporting countries] but increases world food prices, thereby affecting food importing countries like Bangladesh,” said Antoine Bouet, a senior research fellow of ... Read more

Trend setter — just needs little fixing

Safety Net Schemes Trend setter — just needs little fixing Int’l policy workshop sees land scarcity, huge poverty-struck population as major challenges to ensure food security Bangladesh spent 2.8 billion dollars last year on social safety net programmes (SSNPs) and is a global leader in dimensions of social protection. But with 27 million of its ... Read more

‘Nutrition still a problem’

Speakers at a workshop said mainstreaming nutrition in the health services is essential to achieve the Millennium Development Goals. They said malnutrition continues to be a pervasive problem in the country. Helen Keller International, Bangladesh and AED, with support from USAID organised the workshop on nutrition at a hotel in the city yesterday