Sunday, March 2, 2025

Hasin tops ‘Veet-Channel i Top Model 2011’

Hasin Rowshan Jahan, an honours student of the Department ofHistory of Dhaka University, has won the country’s first and only female modelhunt contest ‘Veet-Channel i Top Model 2011’ award. She was declared as the top model after performing in thecolourful grand finale of the contest, which was held at a city hotel onTuesday night. Sanzida ... Read more

Fragmented sleep ‘harms memory’

Broken sleep affects the ability to build memories, a study of mice suggests. The Proceedings of the National Academy of Science findings could help explain memory problems linked to conditions including Alzheimer’s and sleep apnoea. The Stanford University found disrupting sleep made it harder for the animals to recognise familiar objects. A UK sleep expert ... Read more

Bexi Fabrics-Anyadin Eid Fashion show

Fortnightly Anyadin, in association with Bexi Fabrics, arranged an Eid fashion show on the evening of 24 July at the Hall of Fame auditorium of Bangabandhu International Conference Centre (BICC) in the city. In an effort to diversify the Eid fashion and to promote local brands, Anyadin started the first episode of this show back ... Read more

Breastfed children are better behaved

Breast-fed babies grow into better behaved and more emotionally stable children than those that are bottle fed, a study has shown. Five-year-olds who had been breast fed were almost a third less likely to suffer behavioural problems severe enough to disrupt family life. Those reared on bottled milk formula tended to display more troublesome traits ... Read more

Cindy Crawford, 45, still has her sensational supermodel figure

She began her career in the early 80’s at just 16-years-old. But almost three decades later, Cindy Crawford proves that she still has her supermodel figure as she poses for a new campaign for Deichman Shoes in the middle of a busy New York street, the Daily Mail reports. The 45-year-old beauty looked stunning as ... Read more

Sleeping beauty

Your beauty routine needn’t stop when you go to bed Do you know just how much the hours of sleep can contribute to your beauty regime? We’re all aware that sleeping well is essential for both physical and mental health and well-being, but good nocturnal cosmetic habits are also important. So if you want to ... Read more

Men enjoy cuddling more than women, study says

It is an oft-repeated stereotype that while men want to have sex women prefer an affectionate cuddle. But a study has found that in long term relationships, hugging and kissing are more important to the happiness of men than women. The research, by sociologists at the Kinsey Institute of Indiana University, is the first international ... Read more

Diet Drinks Make You Fat

Regularly consuming diet fizzy drinks will only make you ­fatter, new research shows. Although they have fewer calories, the drinks fail to stop you piling on the pounds – and could trigger your appetite so that you eat more. The news is a blow to millions of Britons who believe such drinks help to keep ... Read more

Chocolate milk is best drink after exercise,claim scientists

Scientists have claimed that chocolate milk is the best recovery drink to have after exercise, as it helps build more muscles, boost performance and keep off the fat. After an exhausting session on the treadmill, many athletes usually reach for an isotonic sports drink or good old-fashioned water, but two new studies from The University ... Read more

Dhaka’s fashion triumph

A week of international, national and regional fashion shows, exhibitions, workshops, and roundtables – Dhaka Fashion Week has come a long way. Writes Nadee Naboneeta Imran Dhaka Fashion Week (DFW), which began in 2008 as the brainchild of Kawshiki Nasser Tupa and Fakhrul Chowdhury, stepped into its fourth year last week, hosting a range of ... Read more