Monday, March 3, 2025

Why Smokers Gain Weight When Quitting

Washington: Scientists say they’ve finally discovered why smokers tend to gain some weight when they kick the habit. It turns out that nicotine can rev up brain cells that normally signal people to stop eating when they’re full, researchers report in Friday’s edition of the journal Science. The weight connection isn’t

Eat right for your age

Your body’s nutritional needs will change throughout life… THE core principles of a healthy, balanced diet remain the same whether you’re 20  or 60. However as we grow older various physiological and psychological changes occur that have a direct effect on nutritional requirements. So how do you eat for your age? Teens Adolescence is a ... Read more

People’s deepest sexual desires revealed

Straight men prefer heavier women to thinner females and find feet erotic, according to a surprising survey of online searches. Scientists have finally got a grip on our deepest sexual desires, by looking at what people type into Google. They have examined one billion online sex-related searches from around the world to find out what ... Read more

Married women are happier because society ‘approves’

Unmarried women who live with men are unhappier than married women because society “disapproves” of their behaviour, according to a sociological study. The study of 22,000 people from around the world found that women who cohabited with men before they were married were slightly unhappier than married women, and that the most likely reason was ... Read more

New research discovers tangerines help obesity

A surprising new discovery will help fight obesity and heart problems. The University of Western Ontario has carried out research and discovered a substance in tangerines that helps obesity and gives protection against type 2 diabetes and atherosclerosis. Nobiletin is found in high concentrations in the tangerine fruit. The research was published on Science Daily.

Seven signs your partner is cheating

Adultery is quite commonplace amongst modern couples, and with the internet and mobile phones it’s easier than ever for an unfaithful partner to conceal their whereabouts. While your cheating other half may try to hide his mistress, being unfaithful requires a lot of attention to detail that escapes many men. Those who aren’t careful enough ... Read more

Social rejection and physical pain are linked

by Jasmine Malone LONDON: Social rejection and actual physical pain ‘hurt’ in the same way, scientists report, having identified the shared neurons that are activated in response to the very different types of negative experience. The study is the first to prove that rejection and physical pain don’t just feel the same, they also share ... Read more

Alleviate Acidity By Eating Cucumber

Tokyo: Cucumber is a healthy and highly beneficial to your health in various purposes. Surplus stomach acid after having meals can cause stomach discomfort, heartburn, excess gas, nausea and bloating. Most of the traditional pills, liquids and tablets for alleviating acidity will be distasteful to ingest and often may not work effectively. Luckily, eating cucumber ... Read more

Wigs on pages of history

In ancient Egypt, both males and females wore wigs made either from human hair, sheep’s wool or vegetable fibers, depending upon their social status. There were a number of benefits for Egyptians from shaving their heads. First it was more comfortable in the hot Egyptian climate not to have hair. Secondly, a baldhead helped avoid ... Read more

Breakthrough in the war on breast cancer

A major breakthrough in the hunt for a breast cancer cure has been made after scientists discovered how to stop the disease spreading. They have identified the enzyme that promotes the spread – changing the tumour from a single, more treatable one, to a number of separate cancers threatening other organs. If drugs can be created ... Read more

Branding Chittagong 2011

Limelight on Tribal Lifestyles The Branding Chittagong 2011 event was organized on 12 February 2011 by theDesigners’ Forum, a coalition of Chittagong based designers. With a spectacular fashion show, painting expo, musical evening and traditional cuisine, it was a night that celebrated Chittagong in all its colour, diversity and glory. The event, organized at the ... Read more

Jennifer Lopez becomes Venus ambassador

Jennifer Lopez has become the first-ever global brand ambassador for Gillette Venus razors The singer-and-actress stars in a new campaign for the firm to promote their new shavers, in which she flaunts her smooth legs by the beach, as well as recorded her own rendition of the classic pop hit ‘Venus’. Jennifer will also help ... Read more