Wednesday, March 26, 2025

Water crisis to rice crisis in coming decades?

Dr. Aminul Islam Akanda Bangladesh is blessed with suitable soil and climate for growing rice in all three crop seasons in a year. Rice grown during summer is locally known as Aus, during monsoon as Aman and during winter as Boro. The Boro is really the improved rice variety that is cultivated in almost all ... Read more

Local organic soaps go fashion shops in Japan

A number of selected Japanese retail shops are set to start selling organic soaps made by underprivileged women in Bangladesh within the next few months. Around 100 village women in Mymensingh district employed by Shapla Neer, a Japanese-funded non-governmental organisation, are producing export-quality soaps with locally-procured

‘Nutrition still a problem’

Speakers at a workshop said mainstreaming nutrition in the health services is essential to achieve the Millennium Development Goals. They said malnutrition continues to be a pervasive problem in the country. Helen Keller International, Bangladesh and AED, with support from USAID organised the workshop on nutrition at a hotel in the city yesterday

Three women killed daily in 2010: Survey

Almost 16 cases of violence against women occurred daily in Bangladesh last year, totalling 5,743 incidences with three women being killed every day, says a survey based on newspaper reports. With this note, 11 ministries and nine United Nations (UN) agencies, jointly working to combat violence against women, launched a two-day Inception Workshop at a ... Read more

Power price to go up next month

Bangladesh Energy Regulatory Commission officials at a public hearing at the commission on Wednesday proposed a 21 per cent increase in average bulk rate of electricity, at which the Power Development Board will sell it to distribution agencies, likely to be effective from February, The officials also proposed that the government should allocate to the ... Read more

100m people face health hazards

Arsenic in Bangladesh, West Bengal 100m people face health hazards Some 100 million people in Bangladesh and West Bengal of India are exposed to risk from groundwater arsenic contamination, according to experts from home and abroad. Arsenic-contaminated water and food can cause various diseases including cancer, which may be a major problem in Bangladesh and ... Read more

H’ball teams triumph

Men’s and women’s team from Bangladesh emerged champions in the International Friendship Handball Tournament that concluded at Haldia in the State of West Bengal, India yesterday. Bangladesh Men’s A team beat their Indian counterparts in the last match by 31-26 points to emerge champions and the Women’s A team followed suit. Imdadul of the men’s ... Read more

MoU signed to import gas from Qatar

Bangladesh and the State of Qatar yesterday signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) to import liquefied natural gas (LNG) from Qatar to meet the growing demand of gas in the country. Secretary of Energy and Mineral Resources Division Mohammad Mejbahuddin and Minister of State for Energy and Industrial Affairs of Qatar Dr Mohammed Saleh Al-Sada ... Read more