Tuesday, April 1, 2025

All eyes on rich nations

Climate-hit countries count on their promises as Durban meet gets underway As the stories emerging from Africa to Americas, Asia to Australia tell the same grave situation of ever increasing drought, floods, storms and hot spells, a Climate Change Conference began here yesterday with hopes that the rich nations will keep their commitments to extend ... Read more

Date with disasters

Struck by cyclone Aila after Sidr, country braces for the next Amid increasing threats of climate change, Bangladesh today observes the fourth anniversary of cyclone Sidr, one of the worst natural calamities the country has experienced since its birth in 1971. This year the day is being commemorated with special significance. The Climate Vulnerable Forum ... Read more

Declaration for survival

Climate-hit countries critical of inaction of rich nations, vow to fight the fallout together The worst hit climate vulnerable countries have emphasised developing their own capacities to fight the effects of climate change instead of sitting idle and waiting for assistance from developed countries. The determination was expressed at the end of a two-day Climate ... Read more

Risks of social unrest growing

Experts tell int’l conference Climate change is causing political, economic and social instability exacerbating insecurity for the people of the poorest countries, said representatives and activists of climate vulnerable countries yesterday. There is no time to sit idle and wait for assistance from the developed countries, they said emphasising on quick actions by vulnerable countries

Biofuel fuels food price

Global hunger research warns world against shifting to cultivation of fuel crop from food; 80pc Bangladeshi households worse off  A steep rise in biofuel production and a highly concentrated export market coupled with export restrictions have contributed to the rising food prices across the world, badly affecting countries like Bangladesh. Increasing and volatile prices of ... Read more

3000-mile bus ride to raise awareness

Climate Change 3000-mile bus ride to raise awareness A group of environmental filmmakers have set to embark on a countrywide bus ride across 64 districts to educate the rural people about climate change. They would travel some 3000 miles explaining the undertones of climate change to the rural people in simple words and help them ... Read more

Bangladesh may feel the heat

Grain Exporters’ Protectionism Bangladesh may feel the heat   Bangladesh might get hurt by rising world agricultural prices due to protectionism of grain exporting countries. “Export taxes and export restrictions lower prices domestically [in exporting countries] but increases world food prices, thereby affecting food importing countries like Bangladesh,” said Antoine Bouet, a senior research fellow of ... Read more

Climate change leads to forced migration

Speakers tell int’l conference  Speakers at an international conference yesterday identified that extreme poverty, climate change impact, population growth, urbanisation, governance failures, and food and energy insecurity force people to be migrated. The second and concluding day of the two-day conference on “Changing nature of forced

Biotech holds the key

Experts tell The Daily Star roundtable it can revolutionise farm, health sectors Biotechnology holds an immense prospect for Bangladesh in the fields of agriculture and healthcare to meet the future challenges of food production and climate change. However, lack of investment, research, and collaborative efforts among the entrepreneurs, scientists and policymakers stand in the way, ... Read more

Climate change and neglected tropical diseases

Khalid Md. Bahauddin Recent investigations attribute more than 150,000 deaths per year and a global disease burden to climate change. An area that has received particular attention is the potential impact of global warming on shifts in the spatio-temporal distribution of disease vectors, and hence the frequency and transmission dynamics of vector-borne diseases. Vectors, pathogens ... Read more

Climate Change In Focus

Documentaries screened at the British Council At an event marking the ‘Climate Week’, youngsters had an opportunity to discuss with some renowned climate experts of the world at the British Council Auditorium, on Fuller Road, Dhaka. Ian Burton, Emeritus Professor at the University of Toronto and Pablo Suarez, Associate Director of Programmes at the Red ... Read more

‘Climate change reshapes tropical forests’

bbc.co.uk Future climate change could change the profile of tropical forests, with possible consequences for carbon storage and biodiversity, a study says. It suggests that if current trends continued, the drier conditions would favour deciduous, canopy species at the expense of other trees. US researchers based their findings on the changes they recorded in a ... Read more

Managing biodiversity to slow down climate change

DR. M.A. BASHAR Adaptation is the habitual process of adjustment to a new or changing environment. These changes of environment could be negative or positive to the survivals in an ecosystem. Adaptive capability is the ability of a system to adjust to climate change to moderate potential damages, to take advantage of opportunities, or to ... Read more

Climate fallout to trigger migration

ADB study focuses on more challenges for Bangladesh Bangladesh will face mounting challenge of resettling and rehabilitating the people displaced by climate change, says an Asian Development Bank study. The country is already at high risk of catastrophic environmental hazards and floods from sea surges, river flow, rainfall and coastal and riverbank erosion that are ... Read more

Water crisis to rice crisis in coming decades?

Dr. Aminul Islam Akanda Bangladesh is blessed with suitable soil and climate for growing rice in all three crop seasons in a year. Rice grown during summer is locally known as Aus, during monsoon as Aman and during winter as Boro. The Boro is really the improved rice variety that is cultivated in almost all ... Read more