Sunday, February 23, 2025

Fragmented sleep ‘harms memory’

Broken sleep affects the ability to build memories, a study of mice suggests. The Proceedings of the National Academy of Science findings could help explain memory problems linked to conditions including Alzheimer’s and sleep apnoea. The Stanford University found disrupting sleep made it harder for the animals to recognise familiar objects. A UK sleep expert ... Read more

Breastfed children are better behaved

Breast-fed babies grow into better behaved and more emotionally stable children than those that are bottle fed, a study has shown. Five-year-olds who had been breast fed were almost a third less likely to suffer behavioural problems severe enough to disrupt family life. Those reared on bottled milk formula tended to display more troublesome traits ... Read more

Diet Drinks Make You Fat

Regularly consuming diet fizzy drinks will only make you ­fatter, new research shows. Although they have fewer calories, the drinks fail to stop you piling on the pounds – and could trigger your appetite so that you eat more. The news is a blow to millions of Britons who believe such drinks help to keep ... Read more

Chocolate milk is best drink after exercise,claim scientists

Scientists have claimed that chocolate milk is the best recovery drink to have after exercise, as it helps build more muscles, boost performance and keep off the fat. After an exhausting session on the treadmill, many athletes usually reach for an isotonic sports drink or good old-fashioned water, but two new studies from The University ... Read more

Medicare at stake

Medical representatives go for aggressive promotion during busy hours at hospitals In aggressive promotion of pharmaceutical drugs the country’s medical representatives invade hospitals during busy working hours in violation of marketing code and medical ethics, according to doctors and witnesses. Visiting the outpatient sections of several public hospitals in the capital The Daily Star

Why Smokers Gain Weight When Quitting

Washington: Scientists say they’ve finally discovered why smokers tend to gain some weight when they kick the habit. It turns out that nicotine can rev up brain cells that normally signal people to stop eating when they’re full, researchers report in Friday’s edition of the journal Science. The weight connection isn’t

Eat right for your age

Your body’s nutritional needs will change throughout life… THE core principles of a healthy, balanced diet remain the same whether you’re 20  or 60. However as we grow older various physiological and psychological changes occur that have a direct effect on nutritional requirements. So how do you eat for your age? Teens Adolescence is a ... Read more

New research discovers tangerines help obesity

A surprising new discovery will help fight obesity and heart problems. The University of Western Ontario has carried out research and discovered a substance in tangerines that helps obesity and gives protection against type 2 diabetes and atherosclerosis. Nobiletin is found in high concentrations in the tangerine fruit. The research was published on Science Daily.

46,000 jobs to go

Govt to shut nutrition centres on WB prescription, merge the scheme into main health programme At least 46,000 nutrition workers are to lose jobs following a merger of the National Nutrition Programme with the mainstream health and family planning scheme in June. Sources said the plan taken up under World Bank prescription will be finalised ... Read more